
How to buff up and how to fight?

by Guest59694  |  earlier

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I've always wanted to buff up (bigger pecs, bigger biceps, arms in general)... and learn how to fight. So many people have wanted to fight me and i've fought some and won, but i still wanna get better. I'm 5'11, 14 years old, and 140 lbs, kinda skinny... help?




  1. if u really want to look buff i suggest that u start lifting weights man push up can work to and other types of upperbody work outs

  2. kid, stick to watching dragon ball z fights.

  3. start working out


    or wrestling team. kinda g*y but helps with fighting.

  4. Join a martial art. I'm not talking MMA or some stupid **** like that. Something like Kung Fu. It teaches you not only about self-contol and respect but you also 'buff up' very quickly, get stronger in a short space of time, perfect you balance, become very fast in your movements, mental training and you'll also gain a longer life expectancy.

  5. steroids?  

  6. Eat food with a lot of protein and work out hard.

    When fighting, here are some tips.

    Don't let the other guy's hands get near you. When they try to punch or grab you, use your hand to knock theirs off target.

    A good punch to the gut will weaken the other guy a lot.

    It takes only one good hit to knock the other guy off balace or open him up. then wail on him.

    A fun thing to do it to get them so their back is close to something hard but not too solid (lockers at school is perfect) and start dribbling. That's where you punch their head so it gets knocked back and hits the locker. do this over and over and over again.

  7. ur best bet is 2 join fight club

  8. lol u got ur *** handed to you. youre not that skinny and tall for you age, youre the same as me in height and weight when i was ur age

  9. Come on, you know the answer:  MAGIC PILLS.

  10. Buy the Perfect Pushup System.  I have used it to buff up big time.  Its great.  

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