
How to build a boat?

by Guest55946  |  earlier

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I want to build a boat that can hold like 2 people out of household materials such as baloons and other floatable things. I live next to a small lake and me and my friend want to go across it. It is only like 70 feet wide.




  1. Ballons will pop. I'd recommend using Styrofoam (can be bought in bulk from craft stores) Use the styrofoam as the filler. Also a foam spray works great. The idea is to make your craft less dense than water, and stay less dance.

    Take Plastic trash bags, fill them with foam spray, or styrofoam. To get rigidy secure boards around the bags.

    I'd recommend building a dual haul pontoon boat as it is the most stable, and efficient.

    Cardboard works if you paint it or tape the c**p out of it.

    Also just buying a cheap inflatable raft works as well.

  2. This site is the best "do it your self" site I have found for building anything.

    They even show you how to build a compleate boat of of 3 pieces of plywood......It's amazing.

    And for bicycles..........Man just look for yourself.

  3. balloons wont work

    Get barrels, 2 50 Gallon drums from any industrial or manufacturer.   Make sure the bungs are intact, sealed and secure or you will have a short ride.

    tie a couple planks between the barrells .....

    you got a raft, huck finn
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