
How to build a homemade roll top jump?

by  |  earlier

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i just moved and had to switch stables. the barn i moved to only has basic jumps setup and i would really like a roll top. i am very handy (as is my boyfriend) and we have access to all sorts of tools, so we want to build one. does anyone know how we should go about doing this? does anyone know of a website that has some instructions and maybe a picture for reference? or could anyone help me with how to build one from personal experience? any and all help is appreciated. thanks in advance.




  1. get a framer that is rounded aready

    like this

    bee how the base is flat and the  top is rounded?

    well then add planks of wood on it horizontally.

    please ask if  you dont understand.

    this is just how the roll top jump at my agistment/pony club is like

  2. That would be hard because you would have to bend a piece of wood, which would really require some tools, unless you could get one that was already bent. I couldnt even imagine where you would get the green carpet stuff that goes on it ....I'd buy one jajaja ... jumps usa probably has one cheap..

  3. Here are some plans I have found will keep looking for the roll top but these may help as well

    Wow tough to find these plans hope you find what you are looking for!

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