
How to build a model of the Pantheon.?

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I have to build a model of the Pantheon, Rome Italy for a school project. Do you have any sites I can use? Or help me out? What material would be best? Ect.





    Of course you could always just do an image search (using Google, Yahoo, etc.) if none of the above images work for you.

    As far as building materials go, you can never go wrong with popsicle sticks. The dome would have to be made of something fairly malleable, so clay or even Play-Doh could work there. To get the "cement" look, just paint the sticks grayish-brown and add some loose sediment (sweep a concrete sidewalk to collect this).

    That's just a suggestion. Whatever you do, I wish you luck and hope you have fun with it.

  2. If you can get it, pink insulation foam is excellent.  It's tough and can be carved with a hot wire or sharp knife.  Most larger hardware stores (Loews, Home Depot, etc.) will carry it in sheets 2'x8' and thicknesses from 1-2".  I would use a modeling clay or putty for curves like domes, foam core for walls, and wood glue to hold it all together.  For the base I would recommend either hardboard (available wherever you get the pink foam), and glue down sand for texture, or more foam core.  While you're at the hardware store pick up a can of lightweight quick-drying spackle to fill gaps.

    Plan everything out before you start and be careful with knives, and you'll be fine.

    (Oh, and it's not Pantheon, it's Parthenon)

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