
How to build a rental history when renting a home?

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Since I am moving into a rental right now, I want to know how to build documentation that I am paying rent every month like clockwork. She doesn't accept personal checks. Money order a cash. so---can someone be a little creative here and help me out. Thanks!




  1. She has to give you receipts, but there is no place for you to record them.    Future landlords will be calling her for your information.

  2. I work for a bank and I see this a lot.  She's not saying she doesn't trust you.  But even good renters s***w up and bounce a check from time to time and she's probably just tired of dealing with it.  I have people come in all the time with ONLY money orders.

  3. Some money orders companies allow you to purchase copies of cashed money orders, but you have to pay for them and it can be a bit of a hassle.

    If I were you I would go to my bank every month and get a cashier's check. Cashiers check also reference your name and account #. I would get a copy of the cashiers check and also your bank statement showing the money coming out every month. Just do this everytime you pay your rent and save them in a folder so it isn't so overwheling at once when you need it.

  4. Does this lady truly own this property? She sounds like a scam artist. YOU don't have a dime to give away to her and be bothered with her 'c**p.' If you pay her in this way, she can swear up and down that you have NOT paid her. In other words, she would say that you lied. The landlord/landlady must give you a receipt. She could easily say that she hadn't been paid. Don't fall for her mess. She is NOT an honest person. I have been there, but NOT done that. I always gave a money order. I didn't have the landlady's address, because she used the building's address where I resided. I finally found out what city she lived in and then obtained her address. From then on, I sent her a money order via certified mail, each and every month. She had been sending her drunk 'other half' over to collect the rent every month. He wanted to visit and make himself comfortable. I will tell you right now that I don't mix business with pleasure. Once I sent my monthly rent to her in this manner, she appeared shocked. This woman is not a personal friend. Remember this, What shall we then say to these things? If GOD be for us, WHO can be against us? - Romans 8:31. The Lord daily loadeth us with BENEFITS, even the GOD of our salvation. Selah. - Psalm 68:19.  I wish you much success. Peace!!!

  5. Definitely keep receipts which she is required by law to provide.  Even if she just scribbles a note on a piece of paper and signs it saying you paid rent on whatever date, in what amount, for whatever month.  

    Or if you pay with money orders (available for free at Amscot) those have a detachable receipt that you can keep for your records that has a tracking number on it that corresponds to the number on the money order so if you should ever need to prove what that money order paid for, you can.

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