
How to build credit?

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i was just wondering on how to build credit, i know way how to i was just wondering if anyone else had any ideas i am 20 years old and i want to get a new crotch rocket next year and i need credit i have credit for paying my cell phone bill and thats it so any ideas what i could do




  1. just get a loan from a bank...make sure that you apply for an amount that you could be able to pay monthly with no problem.....i strongly recomend you a secure loan...for this purpose it is the best way to build good credit...try it!!!

  2. you could buy a car or house - or just get a credit card and make small purchases and then pay it off on time.

    all those will over time build your credit.

  3. Have a steady job.

    Pay your bills on time,  ALL your bills

    Purchase sometime on a payment plan and make timely payments.  Once you pay off the item you have established reliability.

    Maintain a checking/debit account and always keep it balanced; never overdraw.

    Don't acquire too many speeding tickets.

    Don't apply for too many credit cards at once.

  4. Get yourself a student credit card and use it to build credit over the year.  Make purchases on it every month, and pay it off every month on time.  You should be well on your way to building credit.  

    Applying for a student credit card is probably your best bet right now:

  5. there are a couple of ways you could start building credit, you could get a small personal loan which you might need a cosigner or the best way will be getting a credit cards, you could get a credit card and use it for your every day expenses but make sure you pay in full at the end of the month that way it will show pay in full everytime the credit card company reports to the credit beuros. At the begining you will only be approved for the lower end credit cards but once you build credit in about 6-9 months you should be able to apply for a better card with better benefits such as free miles or cash back. Check out and go under bad  credit section and you will find a few choices. Unless you are a student then apply for a student credit card this cards have no annual fee and lower rates.

  6. my bro just wait i forgot its somtin like he would like put all his mony in the bank then clear the chacks or he wuold always use a credit card srry cant remember exactly wat he did good luck

  7. go to the store, but a something inexpensive, that you could by with cash, but use a card. Then pay it of when the bill come. You can pay it off, then there is no interest, and you built criedt.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. get a cell phone if ur going to school get a loan

    purchase a used car with a loan

    credit card but dont go crazy

  9. get your first credit card at

    make your first credit and pay it on time/right.

  10. If you feel like you can handle it get a credit card buy something small then make all of the payments on time

  11. you can get a credit card, and pay $20 more than your monthly minimum payment each month and keep your balance under 50% of the credit limit. that is the best way to get your credit score up. i used to work for a bank in the finance department, and know a lot about credit. apply for either a store credit card, or a visa or mastercard. if you have a bank account, try a get a credit card at your bank thru their credit cards. that'll be your best bet. good luck & i hope that helped. if u have any other questions about it, feel free to email me.
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