I've been playing bass for awhile now and am also relearning guitar. Its not like I'm new to all this, if I count when I first learned guitar I've been playing about two years, its just that once I got a bass I didn't practice the guitar anymore and that's why I have to relearn it.
Anyways, its a long story, I have a history of self sabotage and I got angry and sanded my calouses off.
So now my fingertips are too raw to play.
I typically play about 5 hours a day and now I can't stand to play for even a minute.
Is there a quick way to regain my calouses?
If I sand my fingers more will that give my calouses?
Should I just wait untill they heal?
Right now I have a single bass string that I press my fingers into to try to build them back up.
I hate not being able to play but it truly hurts when I try to, is there a way to undo the damge?