
How to build my self confidence/ self esteem?

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I have really low self confidence, I really need ways to help me feel more confidence in my self. Because of my poor self confidence I find it harder to speak to people and I can't make simple conversations. If i had beter self confidence then my school work will also be a whole lot better. I really want to have more confidence in my self so I can communicate with others more easily, I also have a very shy personality. I want to over come it, but I dont know how, I know it cant be done over night, but I realy need help. Please could anyone give me some tips?




  1. I can't answer your question directly but I might know of something that can help.

    Read the book The Game by Neil Strauss. It's not about self confidence exactly. It's about being good with girls. He used to be really shy as well and going through a lot of things he explains in the book, he became good with women and much more confident as well.

    It might not exactly make you more confident, but it will give a different perspective on things. Sometimes the answer is were you least expect it.

  2. Well, it might help to understand the reasons for your low self-esteem, since low self-esteem, in my opinion, is a product of negative social experiences in the past, building up harmful associations etc... Address these first and you'll find your reasons for low self-esteem are silly. You may also want to develop parts of yourself, strengths etc... that would give you that little bit of confidence.... anyway, that's a vague response for a vague question....

  3. I feel kinda like you sometimes. I can be very shy, and sometimes I find ithard to communicate with others. One of my teachers told us to think of our self esteem as a balloon. Everytime someone complimented us our balloon woulod get blown up, and when they ignored or teased us, it would let the air out. I know its weird, but it made me think that I need to keep my balloon floating around. If I totally make a fool out of myself, I shouldnt let other people get to me. I cant worry about what people are going to think about me and my actions, I should just do what right or what I think is fun to me. Try making small talk with others, maybe someone that you see in class all the time but never talk to. Just prove to yourself that people will like you for you, and if the dont, then shrug it off

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