
How to build my sons stamina up?

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my son plays for a football team but the coach says he hasnt put stamina how can i build it up or more to the point how can he im trying to get him to drink more water hes only 11 any suggestions plz




  1. Running and swimming is going to build up his stamina, not drinking water. Drinking water actually might help him run... to the bathroom that is!

    Running and swimming have been known for a long time as stamina sports. Things like cross country running and long-distance swimming (especially IM or individual medley) build up endurance but they also require proper technique and form respectively. When you run you can't do the chicken dance and when you swim you can't imitate a 2-armed windmill, neither will get your son anywhere. In the off season when he's not playing football have him swim (winter) and run with a track team (spring, these are the typical seasons for these sports). While your son is on those teams he'll learn things like proper form and technique so that he can build up on his stamina. If he doesn't like either then riding a bike is a possibility but it won't work the full body like swimming and running would. Also have him eat a balanced diet, 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% healthy fats is the recommended diet calorie percentages that is recommended by many health authorities for people in any athletic scenario. Rounded out with proper sleep times your son's stamina should improve.

  2. Depends on what kind of stamina the coach is talking about. If it is anaerobic (i.e. the ability to run small spurts and then recover quickly) or aerobic (i.e. the ability to run for long periods of time at a slower pace than the fast spurts described above).

    For anaerobic, you need to have your son run sprints (e.g. get him to do wind-sprints) and also, running hills can help. Basically, he needs to run a short distance (i.e. about 100 meters or so) as fast as he can and then jog or walk back and do it again. Work from sets of 3 or 4 to sets of 10-15.

    For aerobic stamina, your son should run laps around the field. If he is not a big runner, you need to get him to run for 2 minutes and walk 1 minutes and work his way up to running straight for 20 minutes at a time.

  3. He's 11.  At that age them main thing is to have fun.  Establishing healthy lifestyle habits now will serve him well after his football career is over.   And if he's like most 11 year olds, if it's not fun it`s not happening.  Going outside to play (whether it's baseball, football, bike riding, swimming, playing tag or whatever) will improve his health and stamina more than hours in front of the Nintendo.  And eat healthy too!

  4. go on very long runs.

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