
How to build up a tolerance for alcohol?

by Guest31898  |  earlier

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is it possible to do? can it be done rather quickly




  1. yes and why would you want to?  thats not a good thing, but it can be done

  2. You can build up a tolerance for alcohol through practice or physically increasing your size.

    It is possible.

    It can't be done quickly.

    Why would you want a tolerance, though? It just means it's going to cost more to get drunk.

  3. the more u drink, the better u will adapt to it over time...jus make sure your not drinkin on an empty stomac or go to sleep rite after your done drinking

  4. I just want to note that there is no reason to do this. Maybe it's good for your machismo, but it will be more expensive to get buzzed, right? It's bad for your health and you may think it's good to show off to your friends. But trust me, nobody cares.

  5. No, it can't be done quickly. Your body would begin producing more alcohol dehydrogenase, which metabolizes alcohol and builds up a "tolerance", e.g. would take more to get a buzz. Some people genetically lack enzymes to deal with alcohol and so they never get a tolerance. Alcohol is a direct toxin to your nervous system, lining of your gut, heart tissue and brain. A low tolerance is  a good thing! The more tolerant you are, the more you abuse alcohol, the more damage alcohol can do to your body. People who use lots of alcohol all their life are more likely to end up in nursing homes at relatively young ages than someone who takes care of their body.

  6. Keep it in your system, gain some weight, eat a lot of bread. Then you will surely impress your friends like you are probably trying to do.

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