
How to build up my confidence for this event?

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I am not a person who speaks up in class or asks any questions unless called upon to do so. I think i lack confidence in social situations also. But i am a high achieving student in class. I am facing a situation where I have to tutor my juniors in subject areas. I am kind of feeling afraid that my juniors wont take me seriously and think i am ineffective, even though i know i'm not.

Any advice on how to come out of this timidity and face the situation confidently?




  1. Go with what some of the others have suggested.  Remember that tutoring is not teaching.  It is helping other students out where they need the help.  They will have specific areas where they require your assistance.  Also, it is OK to say, let me check on that concept.  You don't need to know it all.  All the Best!

  2. You will become more confident after you tutor a few times. Just be yourself, be willing to help, and have fun.

  3. Assert yourself on them from the start. Make them do things as you want them to be done. Make them disciplined.

  4. You have the knowledge, you accept that, what you are short on is the confidence of how you will be accepted in the position of tutor, right.

       You could use a tape recorder and listen to  how you would sound putting it over, you will then have some idea of where you are lacking and brush up on your ability to sound more positive, avoid interspersing your speech with "ERR" and similar delays in your program, these are a sign of uncertainty.  Find out  how you can appear more authoritive in speech and appearance in front of a mirror, that should automatically give you confidence, if you impress yourself.

  5. Ok, CL,

    This sounds like public speaking, you have to set yourself up not to fail. You have used emotional words like, lack confidence, feeling afraid, won't take me seriously, think, timidity. Too many ifs. I answered a question on public speaking to a guy that was terrified to speak. He got back to me and said that it was a breeze. I hope that you can follow the pattern. Give it a try, see if it works, and let me know, e-mail me. If it doesn't sorry.

    Check this out. You are afraid because you feel that you will be out of control and that you will be judged. No one likes to be judged.

    Think this. First you are presenting (tutoriing). So you are IN control of the situation. Your audience is at your beck and whim. Set it up so that you control the whole time. Be very methodical when you present. I used to be scared like you. I got up and thought, this isn't so bad. Take a deep breathe, smile to yourself and think, you know what, these people are here and they will do as I ask. Think boring. when you stand there, listen to the audience, smile, look around, be silent, feel how good it is to be able to compart a little of yourself to others. Think, well here I am and this is gonna blow their minds ( and it will). Be dynamic, be confident because that is what you really are, you are yourself.

    Prepare, prepare, practice before a mirror, before your pet, before anyone that will listen to you. Smpathize with your audience, it makes for better listeners. Remember that they really appreciate what you've got to say. Remember that what you have to say is important or you wouldn't be wasting their time. So again prepare.

    We tend to want to contol the whole presentation. What about letting the audience help you out with the presentation. Let them know that you will be asking them to assist you with the presentation. Pass out the necessary material beforehand. This sets them up. This is key in teaching/tutoring

    If you mess up, guess what, no one will know and really you can't mess up because you have set it up so that you will succeed. If you feel that you are going to "lose it" stop, look around and think, No way, I set this up and I am in control. They appreciate what I am doing.

    Put a piece of non-sugary candy in your mouth to cause saliva to flow. Have a glass of water to drink, take your time, pace yourself, breathe, relax those shoulders, scan, be silent as necessary, be in control.

    No for this fear, it can't happen now because you set it up, you control it and you will succeed!!

    I had to present my dissertation in a conference with my audience being doctoral students and doctors being there just to judge and challenge my dissertation. With what I told you, no sweat. I did it and I did it well. So can you!! Move forward and let your audience know that you appreciate them for letting you be yourself and sharing something that is important to you. I look forward to hearing how it went... You do not need luck, cuz you're in complete control.See you have already won!!

    Presenting, teaching, tutoring are much the same. Respect them and they will respect you.

  6. talk to yourself in the mirror, and go make lots of new friends before hand, i think that being able to talk to people is a great skill to have, like im a waitress and you need to be able to adapt to any situation to make the tables comfortable in the atmosphere, so im not going to talk to an older couple the same way i talk to a group of teenagers, so make lots of new friends young and old!

  7. it is important to be yourself; enjoy this experience and as the lessons go by you'll get used to them and feel more confident. Believe in yourself and you'll do great :D

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