
How to burn off body fat?

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How can I burn off body fat and get lean muscle? Any good diet while im on a workout?




  1. to burn fat, you have to clean up ur diet, do cardio for ATLEAST 20 minutes 4 times a week and weight lift

    give it time, 12- 16 weeks, stick with ur plan and hopefully itll last u a lifetime  

  2. Focus on eating healthy foods, foods that are real. Real food doesn't come in a box, can or package.

    If you go into a grocery store and shop along the outside aisles you will see meat, fruit, veggies, and dairy products. These are all real food.

    I also tell my clients to eat smaller meals more times (5-6) per day. When a body is starved it will store fat. When it believes that times are good (when it's being feed good nutrition often) it will release fat.

    I have written a page focusing on a 3 pronged approach dealing with Detoxing, Nutrition and Exercise.

    Good luck!  

  3. Here is how your body burns fat.

    When you do cardio (walking, running, biking, sports) your body burns off calories.  For the first twenty minutes, they are quick-reserve sugars kept in your muscles.  After 20 minutes of continuous exercise, your body exhuasts it's supply of those sugars and starts burning fat cells for energy.  

    So, to burn off body fat, you need to exercise for at least 20 minutes in one session.  If you do 30 minutes, you get 10 minutes of fat-burning.  40 minutes is good for 20 minutes of fat-burning.

    That's how your body works.  I'm not an advertisement either, I'm actually answering your question.

    Good luck!

  4. Loosing weight fast is always an unhealthy thing.

    There are many diets who tell you that you can loose a lot of weight in no time. And it is working, but you are doing no good to your body. And there's also the Jojo-effect.

    The best thing to loose and hold a healthy weight is healthy food, less sugar, lots of drinking water, and sports.

    Diet has to begin in your head. And you already started to think about your nutrition. That's an important step. It is too easy just to make a magazine-diet for 2-3 weeks and loose some weight. But it will come back soon again. If you are over-thinking your nutrition and activity, you will have a constantly good result. Isn't that much better and healthier than a crash-diet ?

    How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!

    search :

    Keep on doing your thing.

    Take care,


  5. here are a few tips to help you out.

    -at first, count your average caloric intake when you eat normally[if you werent dieting at all], then lower it by about 300. after a week lower it another 100. try this for the first 3 weeks.

    -drink water

    -leg raises, crunches, sit-ups, pull-ups, chin-ups, push-ups, etc.

    -run long distances with thick clothes on to sweat alot.

    -eat grapefruits, oranges, apples, and peaches alot.

    -walking up and down stairs helps too

    -eat slowly

    -dont eat while your focused elsewhere because then you dont realize how much your eating.

    -excercise and be active, while doing something else, that way you dont realize how much your exercising and get tired.

    good luck.

    hope this helps =)

  6. Make sure you have at least 1,200 calories a day. Break it up into 6 small meals of 200-300 calories each. Space the meals 3-4 hours apart.

    Cadio exercise 5 days a week at least in 30 min. - 60 min. sessions. If you skip one, don't freak out about it. Stay motivated.

    Weightlifting every other day! Eat lots of protein, drink only water and Crystal Light Energy, and get enough fiber/calcium.

    You may want to consider taking a multi-vitamin and calcium+vitamind d supplement.

    Good luck!

  7. Cardio exercise, like running, cycling etc all burn fat after it stops burning carbohydrates. You also need to keep away from the junk, stuff high in sodium, oil, saturated fat etc. On the nutrional value of stuff I usually look for stuff under 10% per serving of daily intake, and the protein is more than the fat. Stay away from avacadoes at the start, as they're high in (healthy monosaturated) fat. It's fat nonetheless but you can eat after you're steady on your diet. Situps and weight excercises don't burn fat, they just build the muscle under the fat.

  8. You need to add some resistance training to get toned.  Tone is achieved when you have muscle and a low body fat % so that you can see that muscle.  Try out the routines and diet here..

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