
How to buy a stock without a broker?

by  |  earlier

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How can i buy a share without a broker or signing up for sites like e trade that charges me? and then afterward, how can i sell them without a broker or the sites? thank you!




  1. The best bet is to do some thorough research on DRIP investing plans. They usually involve with dealing with the transfer agent through the companies directly. They're common, but only really offered through dividend paying companies.

    Thankful For Fools

  2. Good question. I wonder what the answer is? Surely not ETrade or online because that's using a broker, isn't it? In the UK I believe you have to use a stockbroker to trade a listed security. I assume it is the same as US. If every member of the public could deal directly into the order dirven system how would the settlement be effected? Who would you deliver and receive stock to/from? How would you pay? What about dealing disputes? In the UK with the advent of MiFid bargains can be traded off-exchange, but I am not sure how that works.I will have to look into this, unless someone else comes up with the correct answer, which I haven't seen yet here.

    Sorry, except for The Old Guy!

  3. In the United States you must use a registered broker/dealer to buy and sell publically traded securities.

    Buying and selling is the least of a security transaction, the most important part of trading is the clearing of the transaction and this must be done by a brokerage firm. Someone has to pay for the market operations, the insurance, and on and on.

    Brokerage firms, just like any other business, are doing it to make money for the services they provide.   I don't know of any firm that goes into business and does not charge for its products and/or services.  Believe it or not "nothing in life is free"

  4. online

    through internet .... sites are awailable

  5. u can open a demate a/c from any bank then u can trade online

  6. Some banks offer that service. Also, some companies will sell direct, but most offer shares through brokerage firms. Check the discount companies like ING, Scottrade, etc. I believe there are some that give you as low as $4/trade and others give the first 10 trades free.

  7. Moneypaper and Temper of the Times can do everything for you and you avoid paying fees every time you trade.

    You enroll in a DRIP and you pay a small fee to open up the relationship with the company.  After that, you never pay another fee.  If you want to buy more shares, they don't charge a fee, you only pay for the shares you buy.  

    If you're interested in purchasing stock without a broker, Moneypaper is the only way to go, they've been doing it for 25 years.

    Trust me, you won't go wrong

    Good luck

  8. Etrade canada

  9. Try Scottrade.  

    They are all about no-frills and offer a flat $7 a trade.

    Apart from that, i doubt you'll find it anywhere for free because there'll always be a spread on a buy/sell order...even if trading is tight and it's just the difference between the bid/ask.

    Anyways, good luck.

  10. You can buy DRIPS (Dividend Reinvestment Plans).... or use a discount broker and pay less than $15 for a trade.

    It makes no sense to buy any stock without an understanding of investing.  Read 2-3 books to avoid making very costly, typical newbie mistakes.

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