
How to buy an Amtrak ticket if....?

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How do you buy an Amtrak Ticket if it says no ticket office hours for that station on their site? I want to buy the ticket at a Las Vegas station (LVS) to Lancaster, Pa. I'm 15 btw so I can't use a credit card or anything, I have to pay up front.




  1. Okay, LVS is a bus station.  You are buying a Greyhound bus ticket.  You can buy the ticket at the LVS station.  Buy one going to Salt Lake City (SLC), UT.  There are two buses a day.  You want the one that leaves at 750AM.  From SLC you are getting on the Amtrak train.  Once the bus gets to SLC you will have about an 11 hour layover so plenty of time to go to the Amtrak window and buy tickets to get to Lancaster.  It's going to take you three trains.

    A 34 hour train from SLC to Chicago.

    A 3 hour layover in Chicago.

    A 9 hour train to Pittsurgh.

    A 2 hour layover in Pittsburgh.

    A 6 hour train to Lancaster.

    On top of your 8 hour bus ride and 11 your layover in SLC, you're looking at a total of 73 hours.  That's 3 days.  Not counting the delays that Amtrak is famous for.  

    Since you can't buy the tickets in advance this going to cost you about $450.

    I would seriously rethink your plan.

  2. well what usually happen the bus driver will let you board and take to the train station  there you buy your ticket at that station

    also some travel agents will also sell amtrak tickets note they *might* charge a fee)(I would go with the agents I did some checking but with over 400 travel agents listed a bit too much though and other option

    is to get yourself a Visa Gift card for say 300.00

    then you can use that on the amtrak website (I said $300.00

    since  the fare would be about 222.00 but then you will need to eat

    on the trains (that gift card would come in hand for that!)

    glad to see you decide to not to take the "dog"

  3. Sorry to sound like a grouch, but do you have permission from your parent or guardian to make this trip?  They should be purchasing the ticket for you using their credit card.

    A 15 year old needs special permission to travel on Amtrak, particularly on such a long trip.  If you show up with cash in hand but with no parent or guardian nearby, you will likely be turned away.  

    Better re-think your plan.

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