
How to buy company stocks?

by Guest10802  |  earlier

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can i buy stocks with paypal? if i go on the company website, can i buy it there?




  1. No, you can only buy stocks  and send in a check, wire money in or bring a check in.  Most companies are not set up even to take cash. Paypal-no way not yet. nor can you buy it on credit cards.

  2. no dude, the primary transaction is over for most company, ad you have to buy it through underwriters.

    The secondary transaction you're looking into is openly traded in the market. Open an etrade or charles schwab account and you can be trading shares real fast.

  3. No, you cannot buy stocks with PayPal.  But sometimes you are able to buy stocks directly through the company if they happen to support dividend reinvestment (DRIPs).  In those cases, you may be able to find instructions on the company website.

    However, most of the time, you will need to buy stocks through a stock broker.  There are two types of stock brokers: full-service and discount.  If you are looking for something cheap, I would suggest an online discount broker.  I currently use Firstrade ( ).  They are cheaper than most big name online brokers such as Etrade, Ameritrade, Schwab, and Scottrade.  I would definitely recommend that you check them out.

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