
How to buy stock or currency?

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how to start?




  1. I recommend an online brokerage firm that has good beginner qualitys {like tutorials or an easy to understand set up}, i use zecco, better then schwab, etrade, etc. they are the only ones with free stock trades, no minumums..all the others will charge you fees for trading, but compare and see for yourself. Good luck and happy investing!

  2. you either need to call a stock broker via phone, or

    go on a site like e-trade on the internet.  But you need money

    to buy first.  Just be sure you know that you can lose your

    hard earned money very quickly in the stock market.  

  3. open a brokerage account.

  4. Register and dowmload a Free Forex Ebook from this site.

  5. The easiest way to invest in currency is through the currency ETFs.  Here are a couple for the EURO and Japanese Yen:

  6. You can use online brokers, like Ameritrade, DLJdirect, SureTrade, Datek, Charles Schwab, E-Trade.  

  7. You can open a virtual trading account with an online broker, then buy and sell stocks or currencies. You need to define a set of rules for yourself that tells you when to buy and when to sell.

    When you are able to make a profit three months in a row using your defined trading rules, then open a live account with the minimum amount possible. Trading a live account is different from trading a demo account. By investing with the minimum account, you only risk that much if your trading doesn't work out.

    Good luck with your efforts!

    Jim Syyap, Managed Forex Accounts -

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