
How to calculate the length of helical reinforcement bar in the bore pile

by Guest437  |  earlier

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How to calculate the length of helical reinforcement bar in the bore pile




  1.  lh = sq.rt.(h^2 + (pi*dh)^2)

    basically i know the formula ... but why is (pi*dh) not (dh) only

  2. Try this. Get a rectangular piece of paper, draw a diagonal line connecting 2 of its corners. In landscape view, connect the sides to make it a cylinder. The length of the diagonal line will represent as the length of 1 cycle of the helix.

    The length of the diagonal line can be computed using the Pythagorean Theorem; wherein the base is the circumference of the cylinder, the height is the pitch (height of helix), and the diagonal is the length of 1 cycle of the helix.

    To apply this in piles, let:
    D = pile diameter
    d = helix rebar diameter
    cc = concrete cover or clear spacing
    h = pitch or height
    L = pile length
    n = no. of helix cycles
    lh = length of 1 helix cycle
    dh = diameter of the helix cycle

    To solve for the no. of helix cycles required,
    n = L/h

    To solve for the diameter of the helix cycle (diameter of the "cylinder"),
    dh = D - 2*cc - 2*(d/2)
    dh = D - 2*cc - d

    To solve for the length of 1 helix cycle (using Pythagorean Theorem),
    lh = sq.rt.(h^2 + (pi*dh)^2)

    Lastly, to solve for the total length of helix rebar,
    total length = n*lh

  3. L=N*3.18(d+D)+8d
    N=Nos of turns
    d=Dia of bar.
    D=Intrnal dia of cylender

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