
How to calculate time with water?

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My classmate told me that it is possible to calculate time with water. Both of us didn't know how to so we asked our maths teacher. Then he said he didn't know how to then he ask me to go find out. -.-




  1. you need water, two containers one very large the other calibrated. Some pipe and a burrette, or clamp; and a reference method, sunrise to sunrise, watch etc

    Take the big full container and feed it into the calibrated one via the pipe and burrette or clamp, set it flowing slowly enough that you dont flood the house if your planning on the overnight one. at the end of your reference period meaure the water and then do the maths to get a water - time ratio.

  2. You use a thick green leaf upon which you poke a needle at its center. You set it on water, let it float facing the north. The shadow will create a sundial.

    And that's how you can tell time with water.

  3. Water clocks are among the oldest time keeping  devices.  They rely upon a constant drip rate created by the surface tension of  the water and a constant volume of water available.  There are many ways to construct a water clock.

    To "calculate"  time you need some knowledge of astronomy to calibrate your clock.  First you need to determine  the vernal or autumnal equinox.  On one of those 2 days  the time between sun rise and sun set will be exactly half a day.  If you you measure the amount of water that has dripped or flowed in this period you have your first division.  From there and using local noon you can create finer divisions.  Eventually you may be able to get to half or quarter hour divisions that are reasonably accurate.

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