
How to calculate weight watchers points?

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I want to try weight watchers out, i am a mother of an 8 month old, I am 23, I weigh anywhere between 155-160 and I am 5'1" I don't look huge, but I feel huge. I want to do weight watchers but don't have the money to spend to do the weekly meetings? Can someone help me calculate how many points I would get, and how to calculate everything I am eating into points to stay on track?

is there a booklet out somewhere online that I can print out?

Thanks in advance.




  1. get a weight watchers calculator on

  2. you get 23 points

  3. To find your daily points allowance, give yourself the number of points listed next to the option that fits your situation best:

    Your s*x:

    If you are female- score 2 points

    If you are male- score 8

    If you are nursing- score 12

    Your age:

    17 to 26- score 4

    27 to 37- score 3

    38 to 47- score 2

    48 to 58- score 1

    Over 58- score 0

    Your current weight:

    Enter the first 2 digits of your weight in pounds. If you are 175 lbs for example, you would enter "17".

    Your height:

    under 5'1"- score 0

    5'1" to 5'10"- score 1

    Over 5'10"- score 2

    Your activity level on most days of the week, how do you spend your day?:

    sitting down- score 0

    occassionally sitting, but mostly standing- score 2

    walking most of the time- score 4

    doing physically hard work most of the time- score 6

    Add up all your scored points- that is your daily points target.

    As you celebrate your birthday, increase your daily activity, or as you lose weight, you will need to keep retaking this quiz to most accurately figure your points allowance

    For a FREE points calculator visit:

    **Plus you get an extra 35 weekly points that can be used however and whenever you like**

  4. Eat plenty of green vegetables. They are low in calories and high in nutrition. Also lift weights in circuit fashion to get a cardio workout plus stimulate your lean body tissue and speed up your metabolism. Here are some free workout videos and other tips to lose weight fast..

  5. You get 22-23 points.

    Here is a wonderful site that has many foodpoints listed for weight watchers.

  6. WW have an online calculator which i find really handy

    calculating how many points you should have of a day depends on a number of factors:

    1 Are you female score 3, male score 9

    2 Are you a breastfeeding mother?

    No, score 0

    Breastfeeding exclusively, score 10,

    Supplementing breast feeds with solids, score 5

    3 How old are you 16-20 score 5, 21-35 score 4, 36-50 score 3, 51-65 score 2, over 65 score 1

    4 How many stones do you weigh , ignore the 1b the number of stones is your score for this question, someone who weighs 12st 4lb would score 12

    5 How tall are you under 5ft 4" score 1, 5ft 4" or above score 2

    6 in your main occupation are you, sitting down most of the time score 0, occasionally sitting,but mainly standing score 2, walking most of the time score 4, doing physically hard work most of the time score 6

    Your total score is your daily points allowance.

    Hope this helps

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