
How to calm a 6 year old down>?

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I babysit my little brother whose six. He got a new game (i will not mention the name because i just purely want to know how to calm him down), and he won't stop playing it. He is horrible at it, and he jumps on the floor (shaking the house) and throws the console and controller at the wall. I am not able to hurt him with great force, or i will not get paid.




  1. one word: concussion  XD

  2. music calms the savages....

  3. Take the game away for the remainder of the day when he acts this way.  Put it somewhere where he can't reach it.  Let him sulk and cry for it all he likes, but he can't have it until tomorrow and only if he promises not to behave in that way again.  If he does, put it away again for the rest of the day.  Repeat as many times as needed.

  4. he sounds like a brat! take the game away and send him to his room. This WILL NOT calm him down but he will know that you mean business. Wait for him to tire out (from crying or screaming) and then explain to him why his behavior is unacceptable in a loving way.

  5. At 6 he can shake the house? That's sad.. Put him in time out or something or just don't allow him to play. Have you told your parents about this?

  6. thats a toughie. i got a great idea, why dnt you get him a game that he cant do bad at so he can not go mad when he's losing. if not, then show him who's boss. try switching his attention to a movie that he loves and watch it, watch cartoons, play a two player game with him and let him beat you. you no, stuff like that.

    plz answer my question


  7. i definitely wouldn't try to hurt him.  i would try to reason with him or bribe him by maybe telling him if he would take a break from the game you guys can do something else or he can do something special or maybe he can even get something.  kids dont respond well to yelling or forcefulness. you have to act like what you want him to do (something other than his new game) will be the most fun thing ever. it sounds funny but its true. just make something else seem more fun than what he is doing now and he is most likely going to be interested.  hope that was a help.

  8. Try to get him to come eat something or go outside. Be active with him yourself. Or try to  help him with the game. Make a deal with him that if u help him he needs to stop act ting this Waly. First punish him like into the corner or up to his room for 6 minutes. SHow him you are the boss. Then why he is up there maybe take the CD out and act like the game is broken. Good luck

  9. Oh I'm really sorry about all that... I think he's just going through a phase of acting I guess you could say "crazy" but he'll get over it... Right now basically all you can do is talk to him. If he doesnt listen just let him do his thing. Still watch him and when the parents get home just calmly tell them how he's acting. Hopefully they will understand...

  10. slee[p

  11. do not alow him to play the game

  12. You said, "Not able to hurt him with great force or I will not get paid." Does that mean you would hurt him if you could still get paid for it? :(

    Good grief! Pull him away from the game! If my stepson cries because he can't play computer or watch tv- guess what, he doesn't GET either for a short period of time.

  13. Just let him be, if there is nothing else you can do .....

    I have a brother of 5 and a sister of 7 ....We had the same problem.....With the  5 year old and his game boy I he would throw it, when there was something he could accomplish  and I would not do it for him .....We came up with a rule ...If the threw the game boy I would take it and he cold not play it for the rest of the evening ...If there was something he couldn't do because it was too hard I would show him 2 times after that he had to learn it on his own ....At first it was hard for him to understand way I was doing this  ....Now he is 5 and for the most part does it on his own with out the crying....YES there are still times he cries because he cant get it ...I just reinsure him that he can help him BUT I don't do it for him ....

  14. sleep yeah. OR tell him storyies.

  15. First off, the game must go before Mom and Dad do. Before they leave, have them take it away and put it where he can't have it. Then, you won't have to be a bully to get him to behave. Tell him that he can't have it b/c he won't behave well, and if he can be good the next few times, you'll get it back for him.

  16. is there anyway you could help him get better at it, my son gets that way and he is 11  soon to be 12 LOL i just wont let him play until he calms down causes a tantrum but i ignore it (force isnt gonna help)

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