
How to calm down after nearly being in an accident?

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Okay, I'm pretty freaked out. Guy SWERVES in front of me on the highway on a giant curve and nearly collided with me. There were cars all around us so that would have ended badly if it had happened. It was 3 lane highway, he was on the right, I was in the center. I nearly pushed to the edge of my lane and almost went into the left lane to avoid hitting him, which if I had done that, would have collided w/another car.

How do you calm down after something like this? Personal stories?




  1. Head for the nearest bar, then have someone drive you home.

  2. Some guy tried to overtake a bus i was on and i had the back window seat so was soo close to him, but there was another car coming, and he knocked into the bus and fell off, there were sparks everyhere and he was sliding on the road. It was proper scary, and the bus driver didnt believe me!!! He carried on until I pulled the emergency stop button thing to make him. He was just like ' i didnt see it so i cant have happened'. But the guy on the bike just had some memory loss but had £2000 in his bag!!?! The police arrived and just took him away, and I got some letters from his insurance afterwards as well. All the kids on the bus were like crying and stuff. So i calmed them down and another bus was sent for us. Took me about 2 days of talking about it to fully calm down

  3. Smoke a cigarette.

  4. i would yell in his/her face if its there fault, but if it's your fault i would bite my finger and just brush it off.

  5. Remember that relaxing can lessen your chances of getting yourself into a real car accident.

  6. Except that you are going to have some near misses I have been driving for as little as three years but know who stupid drivers can be one example for you and believe me I have more waiting at the traffic lights at a cross roads to do a right hand  turn the traffic lights go green I move forward and wait until I can carry out my turn as the cars on the opposite side are blocking me off by travelling straight head.  The lights then turn red and I see it is safe for me to turn, then out of no where this car jumps a red light and comes straight head for me, I put on my breaks and miss the car by an inch, the cars at the other side of the cross roads are coming for me as there have been given the green light so I am stuck in the middle of the crossroads with the cars coming for either side of me and instead of waiting for me to turn they dodge me to go where they are going, it is not till the lights turn red that I have a quick second to turn.  Every car I seen coming towards me seem to have my name on it, I was in a very dangerous position.  Once I did my turn I had to pull into the nearest housing estate get out of my car and just breath slowly and take in some fresh air, everyone has near misses so I just put it down to experience and feel Lucky an accident did not happen.

  7. Take a pain killer. Valium if you can get it.

  8. i use EFT

  9. Take a deep breathe and try to remain calm because their are a lot of idiot drivers on the road these days and you never know what they are going to do.

    I almost rear ended a car one day on my way to work because a lady just flat pulled out in front of me. It had been raining really bad that day and I was afraid that I could not stop in time so I swerved over to the other lane and my car started sliding all over the road and there were cars all around me. I still to this day don't know how I avoided not hitting any one. It scared me so bad that I had to pull over to the side of the road just to calm myself down.

  10. freak out, rant rave, through a tantrum.. but do not hold it in... I live west of phoenix and the traffic here is horrible no one cares for their vehicles that believe that their insurance will cover them so there are wreaks all the time.. people here are in such a hurry to get somewhere and they donot realize that if they have a wreak that they willnot get there at their appointed times..

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