
How to can i get my parents to let me ride my bike without a helmet

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dont ask y i dont wanna a helmet and dont say it could save my life i dont give a c**p but anyway all i awnt to do is get my parents to let me ride my bike with out a helmet




  1. Squid

  2. first how old are u?

  3. that's a stupid idea. All you will get is disrespect from all of your elders and the biking community.

  4. Sorry, no help here.  I have been wearing a bicycle helmet since 1982.  I have been wearing motorcycle helmets since 1972.

    You may not give a c**p, but your folks do care.  They want to see you grow up.  Nothing worse for a parent to do than bury their child.  Nothing worse.

  5. Have the money to pay for your own medical and legal bills and then they might give you leave to live in danger.

  6. Tell them they're still young and can get other kids to replace you.

    Tell them you won't hurt any important body part if your head's smashed against the road.

    Tell them you don't give a c**p whether you live or die and they shouldn't, either.

    Tell them helmets are for sissies.

    Come on, dude, stop whining and start realizing that your parents want you to be as safe as possible. After all, they invest time, money and energy in bringing you up. All you have to do is make them happy.

  7. You can't, just forget about it.

  8. Well, you can want in one hand and squat in the other. Wear your helmet, 'cuz my tax dollars ain't paying for your brain surgery when you crash & burn.

  9. Wait until you're of legal age. You have no other alternative.

  10. dude i've been bmxing for about 8 years, and my helmet has saved me from death 4 times, and extreme brain and nerve damage i think 6-10 times.

    plus when u wear a helmet u feel so much more confident and safer to go big. so just wear it, and if u do don't like ur helemet go to a bike or skate store and get a cool helmet get some stickers or sumthin and much it look good

  11. hey    look i was the same way intill i heard on the news one kid 14 years old ridding 12 miles an hour its a bump now he has brain damage so wear a helmet but dont get thoses geek helmets lol i used a bmx helmet then i went the a army surplus and bought a war helment its heavy but its nok gekky and my head is safe

  12. Just don't wear one.  Darwin would appreciate your contribution to evolution.

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