
How to cancel an order on ebay?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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Please help me! I clicked "buy it" for 2 items on ebay and I've suddenly changed my mind. This is NOT a bid. This is a buy now option. Please help me! I don't want to get sued!




  1. You should first contact the seller and let them know that it was a mistake.  You wont get sued, but you may get a negative feedback.  It may be the only way the seller gets their listing fees back.  Or you can offer to pay the fees, they are probably minimal (under $4).

  2. it's simple:look at the item u purchased and click cancel _________u've won

  3. Jennifer,

    The time to change your mind is BEFORE you hit the BIN button.

    You hit it twice!

    Offer to pay the sellers Listing fees and Final Value fees. Then pay them.

    If you are really lucky, they will not file a Non Paying Bidder alert against you.

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