
How to cancel online cash advance?

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I applied with one company for an online cash advance of $400, but they denied it and automatically took me to another site that it says it was referring me to, where it had a contract with my signature to accept, and instead of clicking cancel, I clicked sign!

It all happened so fast! I Don't even know what company it is. How do I undo this? Do they give you a time in which you can cancel this contract>>>???




  1. Ugh,,,, I've done something like this before. One of the pitfalls of doing transactions online. Try and check your browser history for some clues to the transaction. If you have no luck at that, the only thing you pretty much can do is wait for the transaction to happen. Hopefully it's not with a shady company. Odds are you will be fine. Once the transactions goes through with your bank or whatever then you can contact them and hopefully reverse it. If all else fails you will learn from the experience; I definitely did. I am not so mouse-click happy on certain sites. We are all human, accidents happen. Good Luck!

  2. If you entered your Bank Account details on-line, by now, no doubt, they will have been copied & sold to criminal con-merchant gangs all over the world  ... soon you will be receiving bills from car hire, hotels and loans arranged in your name from places you never even heard of ..... so contact you bank, tell them your account details have been obtained fraudulently and the Bank should immediately stop all foreign transactions and  issue you a new account number ..

    If, on the other hand your DIDN'T enter any account details (only eMail contact details), then you can simply ignore them or just reply that you changed your mind ..  .. if they have no way to send you any money, they can not 'force' you to take the loan ..

    PS your email address will have been sold to the SPAM merchants .. so expect a lot of fake 'your loan is ready for collection', 'you have won the lottery', 'you have inherited a fortune' (all 419 Advanced Fee Fraud), attempts to get you to 'log into your eBay/PayPal/Bank account' (Phishing eMails)  and 'buy fake meds. / viagra here'  type eMails.

    PS get yourself a browser that PROTECTS you (by suppressing scripts/Java from unknown sites, preventing 'redirects' and similar) = eg. Firefox ..

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