
How to care for a single lovebird?

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I want to get a parrot, and I think I'd really like a Lovebird. I've been told they have to be kept in pairs, but I only want to get one. Can I keep only one by itself, or do I have to get two of them? Can I give it a mirror? I was thinking if it had a mirror it would think that it has another bird with it. What kind of toys do you give to a lovebird? I think if I kept the bird happy and occupied it wouldn't mind being alone.




  1. My brother had just 1 and it died and he was told that they have to be kept as pairs because they need the companionship that it died from loneliness.

  2. Don't try to "trick" it...

    bottom line,

    it more than likely will not be happy without another lovebird.. if you are unwilling to get another one, then check out other birds and get one that does better alone.

  3. All birds love to have a companion, but in the case of lovebirds, I think it is positively cruel to even to think of selling them separately or for anyone to buy one on its own.    Please don't do this.  A mirror does not solve the problem for any bird, even though many people seem to think it does.   Try to put yourself in the bird's place - if you really love animals, you will realise why I am saying this.  Don't listen to people who will tell you it doesn't matter - it does.  And do not listen to anyone who tells you that getting two birds together means they won't look at you but only at each other - not true.  It depends on how you bring them up.  I have two parakeets, male and female, and they live in a large cage together.  I let them out as much as possible and they both go to all the family, and take part in family life.  This all depends on you having the patience to nurture a relationship with them.

    If you really want a lovebird, why not get a pair?  They are so lovely to see together.    If not, a pair of budgies or cockatiels are also lovely to have if you want something smaller.  I have had pairs of budgies and my friend has had cockatiel pairs and they all have partaken in our family lives even though they had each other.   The trick is to let them out as much as possible so they get used to you, and to handle them as much as you can too.   If they aren't tame, they may be afraid in the beginning, but if you take it slowly, using treats, they soon build up trust and affection.

    Good luck with your choice.

  4. love birds are SUPPOSED to be in pairs but i had one die almost a year ago and her mate is still alive and well. i would suggest getting a bird that doesn't mind lonliness but if a love bird is what you want you can give it a try. just do give it a lot of attention.

  5. u have to have a pair or it will die soon

  6. Absolutely, you can have only one lovebird. It's a myth that they have to be kept in pairs.

    My daughter had her lovebird for 8 years and it bonded to her. She became its "mate."

    Lovebirds form a very strong bond with either another lovebird OR their person. You do not need to get a mirror for the bird. You will however need to be sure that you can spend tons of time with your new little friend for the duration of its life. Once it bonds with you, it will not bond with anyone else or another bird.

    Lovebirds have a tendency to become hostile (mean!) to anyone other than their mate. So, be prepared to be the sole caretaker for you bird.

    Your single lovebird will adore you and sit happily on your shoulder, nestle under your hair on the back of your neck, snuggle in your shirt (down your shirt, in your shirt pocket). It will p**p on you, so you'll want to wear an old shirt, preferably lime green (p**p color). The two of you will share snacks and little birdy kisses.

    The rest of your family will hate the darn thing and the feeling will be mutual.

    Female lovebirds have a tendency to become chronic egg layers. If you notice that your female bird vomits on you and begins to make nesting preparations in her cage, you'll need to remove any nesting material to discourage egg-laying. Chronic egg laying dramatically shortens a lovebird's life.

    Male lovebirds can learn to talk, saying maybe 2-3 words. Both sexes have a high-pitched chirp.

  7. no... it will not live long cause it will suicide bcuz of loneliness

    and that's why its called lovebird...

    I have a love bird and they are couple... when the other one died the male bird wants to suicide because of loneliness... the other day we bought female bird and the male killed it bcus he still the love the one who died...

    and in the mirror thingy... lovebirds are smart... and mirrors are toys for them.... and always lock there cage bacause they can escape from there.... they are smart!

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