
How to care for a wild baby rabbit?

by  |  earlier

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Our neighbors dog chased this little baby rabbit and we cought it and we don't want it to die what do we need to do???

heres what he looks like




  1. If it can run away from a dog, it can live and protect itself. Trying to care for a wild rabbit won't be any help, since they can easily get scared and also die of starvation. Just give the rabbit the freedom it needs.

  2. so cute i would let it go if its not hurt if its hurt talkit to a vet that has a wild life sancuary in it they will fix it if they can, romaine lettece, carrots, peppers, any thing you can grown in a garden.

  3. Do not feed the rabbit anything.  It can easily get liquid into it's lungs and die of aspiration pneumonia.  

    Let it go where no dogs are at large.  It is illegal to let dogs run in most places.  Not your?  

    You can also contact a wildlife rehabber in your state who may take it.

    Google wildlife rehabbers and find one.

  4. Awwwwwwww. So Cute! Try giving him small carrots. If that doesnt work go to the pet store and tell them what happend and ask what to do. You do have a petstore close, right?

  5. the same thing happend to me,but i took care of 4 baby rabbits,,i keeps them in a  10 gallon fish tank untill they were large enough to set them free...warm up some kitten or puppy milk(you can get it at most pet stores,if you cant get any just use normal milk),not to may have to hand feed it for a few days but eventually it will get use to drinking out of a small bowl or lid from a tupperwaeer.. cut up a variety of fruits and veggies and place in a coner of box,or what ever oyur keeping it in.line the bottom of  cage with at least 2 inches of fresh grass,replace daily...after a few days switch the milk to water,and make sure it continues to drink,to stay hydrated.make sure it has a small carboard box or somthing inside the cage to hide in..then when you notice its hoping around a lot,and trying to get out,and eating mainly grass that means its time to let him go..set him free away from the road,and other animlas,put him in the woods.the  most important thing to remember is not to make the rabbit freindly,or youll have to keep it as a pet.. when your feeding it,just feed it,then put it back,dont play with it or pet,it casue it will learn to depend on then when you let it go,it will look for people..and most peopl in the woods are looking to shoot a rabbit not feed or pet it.. so just take care of it like i said above,then set it free..your dooing a really good thing for him/her..

  6. Feed it kitten milk and keep it warm (a good thing to do is get a small box put cotton balls in)

  7. if its eyes are open and it's hopping around you can feed it food from the petstore. although you can offer a little kitten replacement milk in a dish. oxbow rabbit food is best, with some timothy hay, also give it some grass from oustide. once you do that it wouldnt be humane to let him go .. he will be used to it. leaves, buds, tree bark, and roots. it might not be legal to keep him.. but nobody is checking for that. its like taking a snake or fish from out doors it is just one.. nobody cares. its not the biggest deal. he probably won't eat while you're around if he's scared. put the food on a plate so you can moniter what is being eaten. you can try some romaine [not iceburg] lettuce and such. is my email if you have any more questions

  8. aww, cute.

    try a wildlife refuge.  

  9. If the rabbit is not hurt leave it alone as it is old enough to be on its own and will nurse only occasionally if at all from its mam ma. If it is hurt then needs to be kept warm and taken to wildlife rehabber in your area asap. Baby rabbits do not live well in captivity and almost always die of fear and not eating before anything else. If it is ok release it near where it was only make sure dog is in and ask your neighbor not to let it out for awhile until bunny leaves area or hides well. Needs plenty of grass to eat as well as alpha and cut up small veggies and small water. Make sure it does not feel trapped in whatever you have it in as it will panic. If have to lift it make sure support its feet as they can actually kick themselves out of their own skin if not handled properly. this is called degloved. Best chance it has is back outside or with a wildlife rehabber if hurt. There are also some vets that take in injured wildlife. Good luck.

  10. Give him some grass and fresh veg, maybe you could cut the veg into little pieces so they are easier to eat. If he's still not eating feed him some goats milk.

    When did you catch him? he's probably very scared and not used to his surroundings so be very careful around him.

    Are you planning to keep him as a pet? He may not ever become tamed. If not don't hang around him too much, and maybe take him to a wildlife center.

    Also if the mother is still alive she could be looking for her young so it could be best to put him somewhere she can find him, but at the same time where he wont be in any danger.

  11. He's probly scared out of his brains so to make him eat something pick some grass, thistle, or rabbit mix from a pet shop and poke some holes in a fairly large dark box place the rabbit in it along with water and food. It will probly eat because no-ones looking.You will have to be patient. Handle him twice a day or more and never hold him/her on their bac. If it is young you could probly with a lot of love be trained if not keep it for a week then realse it and tell your neighbours to keep it's dog under crontol that's all i can do i'll add you and see how your going soon bye bye.

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