
How to care for freshwater angel fish

by Guest44735  |  earlier

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I have a 29 gallon fish tank that is empty at the moment, I am going to go through a fish less cycle etc etc

I want to make this my first planted tank, so what are some are easy plants to take care of, but angelfish like them?

Also how many angel fish can I fit in the 29 gallon tank?

and any other tips I should know before buying the angelfish!




  1. amozon swords are a must for angels if you get a pair they will lay the eggs on a leaf if you look at you can get all the info u need on some good plants at you gan get some good substrate that is seeded with bacteria and will speed up the cycle of your tank and it has the nutrients the plants need

    as far as angels do not buy them at the fish site I posted or at wal-mart,petsmart or any other large outlet store as they will die on you due to a serious angelfish illness they have in their tanks check with your local pet store and find out if their angels are localy raised if they say yes just king of watch them for a while to see what kind of losses they have it also tests their honesty

    or find a breeder on line that only raises angels

    get a small quarten tank 10 gallions will do and put the new fish in it for no less than 2 weeks this is to make sure you don't get this illness into your main tank as it will take bleach to get the illness out of it once it is their

    edit: n**i no one said it is a magical illness but before you tell people it doesn't exesist you better look in to it all of the angels that wal-mart and other large outlet stores get in will die withen 2 weeks do to this illness if you find a breeder on line and ask them they will tell you all about this illness that came from china

  2. There is no magical disease found in Angelfish, and there is no reason to believe locally bred Angels will carry this disease, especially considering most local breeders breed commercially bred fish.  For plants, virtually anything would work well, but your choices will hinge on your lighting and whether or not you plan to fertilize.  For simple plants, things like Swords, Java Moss, Java Fern, Water Sprite, Hornwort, Anubias, Hygro species, Crypts, Bacopa, lilies, Aponogetons, and similar plants.  If you get some stronger lighting, inject CO2, and fertilize heavily, the doors are open to just about any plants.  Beware of terrestrial and bog plants like White Ribbon, Mondo Grass, Green and Cherry Hedge, Peace Lilies, Aqua Fern, Umbrella Fern, and bamboo.

    Really, I would not keep adult Angels in a 29 gallon tank at all-- at 8" long and more than a foot tall, a 40+ gallon tank is necessary.  You may be able to start a pair in your tank for about a year, but when they reach about 5" long, I would strongly suggest upgrading.  Be sure you've got good food at the ready, basing the majority of their diet on pellets or flakes, and using meaty foods (bloodworms, brine shrimp, mysis, etc.) several times a week.

    EDIT: In Walmart, it's not just their Angels that die-- it's ALL their fish, and again, not due to some disease, but poor maintenance that leads to a myriad of infections.  Using any chain store as a basis for a disease outbreak is a weak claim.

  3. It depends on your 29 gallon it tall or long. If it is a long tank I don't recommend putting angels in there for their lifetime because the tank is simply not big enough. However if it is a tall tank you should be okay because these were more specifically made for fish that get taller and a pair of angels would be fine.

    I do agree with Soup n**i about the angel illness...I also doubt it exists. I do buy my fish at walmart, yes, even my angels and they have lived where as some angels I bought at a fantastic pet store haven't. I really think it just depends on their overall health. However, using the loss of fish in a chain store is not good backing for some rare disease because as Soup n**i said it is poor maintence that leads to illness in chain stores.

    As far as plants go however, I really have no idea I don't do a planted aquarium I actually use silk plants in all of mine!

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