
How to care for my bellybutton piercing??

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So I just got my bellybutton pierced at home. Using a real needle you pierce bellybuttons with. And we sterilized it. Now what do I do to keep it from getting infected and healthy?




  1. if you go to a tattoo shop or the drug store, they should have salt water disinfectant in a bottle for perciengs. I have one, it helped me when I peirced myself.

  2. are u mad.will any body do such things at home.first go and say the doctor about this matter.

  3. Really warm sea salt water 2 times a day ... use a q tip or put it in a small paper cup and put it on your piercing ... I own a tattoo shop :)

  4. I'm hesitant to hear "we sterilized it"  It is difficult to get something sterile in the home.  Also I hope its a new needle because the things you worry about transmission from are the most difficult to sterilize without an autoclave.  Also I'm sure you cleaned the site as well as an unused stud with alcohol or povidone-iodine (or something similar) before piercing, especially inside the naval which has been known to culture normal-flora bacteria not found anywhere else on the body which can be very harmful in an open wound.  

    Now to your question; twice daily, (after bathing if it works that way) swab the inside of the naval with alcohol, and on the piercing you can also use Hydrogen Peroxide or alcohol directly on the piercing, rotate the "stud" to try to work into the opening. A good dab of neosporin (or antibiotic ointment) between cleanings for about 7 days after the piercing.  If after 3-5 days the redness gets worse and the area gets more tender AND/OR warm to the touch AND/OR firm...remove the stud and seek immediate help because it is infected and you need treatment not prevention at that time.  Try to keep the area very clean until it heals.  (don't let sweat hang around and stay moist in the area)

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