
How to care for my new tongue ring?

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It doesn't really hurt but there's a sore small crater in my tongue where the top ball pushes into it. It's kinda red and raw. I got it pierced two days ago. Any tips would be appreciated.




  1. Buy some mouthwash and make sure its non-alcoholic because alcohol will irritate it. Also stock up on ibuprofen or some other anti inflammatory to help with the swelling.

    The more ice you suck on in the 1st 48 hours after youve had your piercing the better! Dont eat anything spicy as this will add to the swelling.. you can eat things like warm mashed potato, yoghurt, jelly, noodles, rice, soup.. basically anything soft or liquid. After eating, drinking or smoking rinse your mouth out with diluted mouthwash. I f you tongue starts to turn a different colour its just the mouthwash staining you tongue so you should cut down using it abit as over using it can kill the bacteria that helps fight infection. Dont play with it because it is an open wound and is more likely to tear and will slow down the healing process.. dont touch it either!! If you notice white stuff coming out of the piercing - dont worry its called 'lymph fluid', its just dead white blood cells and is perfectly normal. However if you notice anything yellowish coming out of the piercing this is usually a sign of a mild infection, if its green then its a serious infection. If you think you have a infection go to your piercer or a doctor. NEVER take out the piercing because if you have an infection it will seal up inside your tongue and will cause further problems!

    Oh and another thing.. if you have a dint in your tongue dont worry its were your tongue has been resting on the roof of your mouth because of the swelling .. it will go away eventualy!

    I hope i helped!! =)

    Good luck !

  2. suck on ice - avoid spicy or foods with lots of spices - LISTERINE should be your new friend rinse after meals and drinks - or it taste nasty Peroxyle(peroxide brand mouthwash) it helps with the healing

  3. Swish with listerine after you put something in your mouth.. Be it something to drink or eat....

  4. no worries, probably just a little swelling.  Just don't eat spicy foods, ice it, pain relievers and you'll be fine in a week.

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