
How to care for newborn kittens?

by  |  earlier

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I have to kittens that are 2 days old. The mother is refusing to take care of them. She has already let one died and the other she left outside so I tried to take care of it but it starting vomiting up blood and died. I have already got formula and have been feeding them. I'm also wiping their bottom to get them to potty. I have them on a towel with a heating pad under it so they stay warm. Is there anything else that I can do to keep these guys alive? Thanks





  2. Just make sure they are warm, fed and watered.  And safe.  If you do notice weird stuff take them to the vet immediately.

  3. it sounds like you are doing everything you can already. Good Job

  4. when u are wiping their bottoms make sure the towel or whatever u use is wet. make sure you are using kitten formula not baby formula and make sure the room they are  isnt to hott but not too cold also using the heating pad is ok but not great for every minute oft he day

    atleast 1 time a day hold them in a warm room and in a week or so try to stand them up you aslo may have a runt u wont know untill they are bigger but u might have a runt if u do make sure the other one doesnt hurt them alo if they are boy and girl separate them when they start walking bc u may end up with retarded babies if they are related good luck eith the kittnes

  5. I think I answered you earlier ... Just like babies amke sure they don't inhale too much air when they drink there milk, and watch for pneumonia!!

  6. Often when a mother cat leaves her kittens it means they are sick.  I was raised on a farm and I've had many litters that I've taken care of and they survived. It seems like your doing everything correctly.  Make sure your giving them actual kitten formula.  Feed the kitten about every 2-3 hours and make sure you wipe its bottom a lot.  The heating pad is ok but it can also be too much heat if the kitten is sick and already running a fever.  

  7. well so far your doing great, make sure u whip off there nose and keep there eyes clean i had 6 baby kittens that were found in a warehouse and if i wouldnt have taken them this guy would have thrown them out of the window in his car alive!!!!! its tough work!! but only 2 survived because the mother cat had herpes that she passed to her babies which is why the 4 died. i agree with the other girl take them to the vet ASAP!! keep feeding them the formula but also try chicken baby food it gives them more nutrients than the formula will. it can be any flavor but keep it consistant, changing it will mess up there tummys. if you are feeding them by bottle out half baby food half formula or half water but you need to make sure you are mixing it and cut the hole on the nipple a little bit wider. good luck.  


    You are doing as much as you can right now.

    When they are about 2 or 3 weeks old there is another formula that you can give them ... it is for older kittens but it works well on younger ones too.  I can't remember the name but it is something like Advanced formula... ask at the pet store.

    Remember MAKE SURE TO HAVE THE MOM SPAYED!  So this won't happen again.  Obviously she is out catting around right now so catch her and take her in today/ tomorrow.

    good luck  

  9. Take them to a vet as soon as possible so they can give you proper care instructions. They will also give you an ointment for their eyes. Kittens at that age are really fragile, going to a vet is the best way to find out if you need to be doing more than you are now and if they're getting enough food. I believe they have to be fed every two to three hours.

  10. All you need to know is on these pages:

    thank you for taking such good care of these little guys!

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