
How to catch a theif...?

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Someone at my school stole my calculator about a month ago, but apart from that, someone's been taking all sorts of things from my school's locker room!

I have no clue who it may be, but it's prolly someone skipping class and sneaking down there every other day.

I lost my camera last week but when my CD player and lunch was stolen today, I realized that I hadn't lost it-- it too was stolen... At least they took my CD and headphones out before stealing the player.

I may be able to get out of gym class and hide in a stall, waiting for the culprit to check my bag then confront them... But is there a better way to go about revealing the thief? I mean, this is one HUGE school...




  1. I'm going to start off by stating the obvious-- PLEASE don't bring anymore of your valuables to schooI--Doing that is like a free open market for things most desirable. Though I know you want to play robo-cop, and as exciting as it may sound, it's not worth it. Number one, class is very important, and you should be present for each one (no matter how droll). Secondly, people often become very violent and vindictive when being "Caught Red Handed". You may risk getting beat up, or having MORE of your belongings stolen, or both.


    Usually, a thief is more stupid than they are slick! All it takes is PATIENCE to find this out. WAIT to see if you see someone with your stuff! A thief always FLASHES their deeds and believes they're so invincible that no one will ever spot them with another person's belongings. This is where they mess up. In other words, they'll bring the item back to school soon enough because they'll want to use it everywhere in hopes YOU won't be there. However, hope doesn't go very far in this case! When you DO spot someone with your things, TELL AN OFFICIAL (DO NOT run over to them, try wrestling them down to the grown, trying to get your stuff back--they'll find out you're on to them, and DESTROY, or TRASH your stuff), and let them know that someone has something that belongs to you, and that they may or may not be stealing from the school, as well.

    Good Luck!

  2. tell teh teacher, in our school it happened once, the kid got yelled at for having his phoen not in his locker, but the school ended up having someone walk throught he locker room after everyone was out, make sure it was empty and lock it up so no one coudl get in.

    and by the way, if it's a LOCKER room don't you have a LOCK!

  3. Dont try to catch a thief by could be putting yourself in danger . Report it to the head of the school.

  4. instead of you going out there and hiding let the staff know...let them do their job and you do yours by staying in class. hope it works out.

  5. It sounds like you are out of luck in there, I think you are going to have to keep your valuables with you

  6. punch everyone in the face till they tell you :D

  7. hide if u cant do that use a camara  n when c who does it kill the ************

  8. If your going to sneak up on him then i would be very careful b/c they could be violent.

    There is a kid at our school that stole all kinds of c**p from ppl, someone confronted him, and they got the c**p beat out of them.

  9. Well i think u can put a tracking device in it and set it were the "suspect" always strikes...i had a computer that was stolen but it got a tracking device in it.

  10. First the lock combination the same as the year before or do your own personal lock. Check with the office and get the name of who had this locker before you. Then observe the person to see if they have your stolen items. If the combination has been changed from the year before then you can cut class and stay there all day just to catch the thief.  Tell your friends that you have had your things stolen and keep and eye out for you.

  11. Heres a complicated plan:


    >Wireless remote control thingamabob

    >recording of you screaming at someone



    leave a note for them (seriously) that says: "Stop thief. Before you try to take anymore of my stuff, turn around. I'm standing write behind you!" Then use your remote control thingamabob to start the recording thats hidden in your locker and they'll get scared and run away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  12. get a camera hide it somewhere and record de culprit

  13. That's what happens when you take cameras and CD

    players to school. Duhhhhhhhhh.

  14. you should keep better track of your stuff. If you leave stuff unattended then it probably will get stolen by somebody.

  15. actually, you shouldnt have that stuff in school to begin with. so it's really just as much your fault that it was stolen.

    but since a crime is being committed, i would recommend filing a police report and getting other victims to as well. if you were robbed in a store, the stores insurance would cover the theft. what happens in a school? why would it be any different?

    get enough parents calling and involve the cops, make the school do something about it.

    you dont do ANYTHING aside from that. You confront NOBODY! if someone is stealing like that, then there is something wrong with them and you need to not put yourself in harms way. leave that for someone who gets paid money to deal with stuff like this.

    and be sure to explain it all to your parents and tell them you want to call the police and handle this "in a mature way". you'll be surprised how far you will go with a calm attitude and with doing the right thing.

    best of luck and be safe, dont hide and wait for someone!

  16. i think you really should just hide your stuff cant stop people from stealing especialliy in a big school.

    just try to lock up/

  17. spy on him/her :P alwayz works

  18. This guy sounds like he knows what he is doing!! Well your idea sounds pretty creative... A way to keep YOUR stuff safe is to use a lock on your locker... You can also try a video camera and hide it in something

  19. Don't you have a lock on your locker?  I would never bring anything of value to school unless I had a secure place to leave it.  If you must bring these things to school keep them with you.  Hope you reported the theft to the office as there is possibly more people having this problem and the police might have to be called in.

  20. You can get a stealth cam from Cabala's for $40.00 its motion sensitive.......... you have to hide it good enough so it don't get stolen.... Put a sticker on the cam that says this picture has been forwarded to my e-mail you are already BUSTED so no use in compounding the trouble you are in by stealing the camera. Don't confront any body alone.....Have back up

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