
How to catch crickets?

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How to catch crickets?




  1. you go to the pet store and buy them (they are feeders for reptiles)instead of wasting the time trying to catch them when if you'd bought them you would already be fishing with them instead of hunting for them..

  2. sneak up and throw a cap on them

  3. I used to own a lizard I caught in San Diego when I was a kid.We would go out at night time with a flash light and look for them on driveways.Just cup your hands around them on the ground and push them till they jump then cup your hands together completely around them.

    Here in IL,during the summer they can be found mostly under rocks or logs or in bushy areas with lots of wild plants.You could probably find some in the garden/flowers area of your front yard.They're pretty much everywhere in the summertime.

    If you can't find any or don't have the time most pet stores will sell them by the dozen very cheap.

  4. When I lived in Texas, I used to go around H.E.B. and  Fiesta (supermarkets) to find them. They were attracted by the lights and were easily caught by the hundreds all night. Actually, I had one manager call me so that I can remove them because it scared the customers. I had bait for weeks after a few hours. I used a modified butterfly net. I simply straightened out the roundness of the net to form a square and used aquarium tubing to protect the edges. I could catch them off the floor, against the walls or when they hopped around. I just tossed them into a bucket with a lid on it. I then would take them home and place them into a large container I made to house them. That's what I used to do for crickets, maybe it'll help you out with an idea. ~good luck catchin'.

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