
How to celebrate a Responsible Non-alcoholic 21st birthday?

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Hi everyone, how should I celebrate a responsible, non-alcoholic 21st birthday in California?

I think drinking until I puke and pass out naked at some random hotel is really overrated. A few suggestions will be really appreciated. (Please don't mention clubbing or bar hopping)

My budget is not that extravagant so activities such as skydiving or bungee jumping will not work out too well.




  1. Go to a club or a karaoke bar.

    You don't have to drink, but just have fun with your girlfriends :]

    You can go to the beach, have a bon fire.

    Have a movie night with new releases and lots of goodies.

  2. You will need pillows and covers...cos they will all be bored and want to

  3. Are you a guy? If you are, I'd like you to come to Massachusetts, and take my 21 year old daughter out with you to celebrate your birthday. If you're a girl, I'd love for her to have friends like you.

    You have no idea how refreshing it is to hear someone your age express common sense and maturity.

    Just have fun, go out somewhere with some friends, and have dinner, and catch a movie.

    With an attitude like yours, you will surpass all of the low-life party animals out there when it comes to life and good decisions! Awesome!

  4. sit around and watch a movie, that's not expensive, though it may seem kinda lame.

  5. I always says.. it's not what your doing, it's who your with that makes a night! I am a drinker not that often, tho I dont write myself off still have a lot of fun, tho I must say that some of my non-drunken nights with friends have been some of the best nights of my life. It's about being with who you are comfortable with and you know you can have fun with! Sit and home, rent movies you'll still enjoy urself! Go for a nice dinner!

  6. I don't think you're lame for not wanting to drink just because you can.  I never understood why people would want to drink so much that they wouldn't even REMEMBER if they had a good time!

    Maybe get all your friends to pitch in for a limo and drive to the beach, or to a drive-in movie theatre.  You could go to a local karaoke place all together.  You could have a poker night at your house.  On my 21st, we went to The Improv.  They have a 2-drink minimum, but you can order Coke!  

    Happy Birthday and good luck.  If you're this responsible, you'll go far in life.

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