
How to change from being a really quiet person to outgoing????

by Guest60673  |  earlier

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I've ALWAYS been really quiet and introverted ever since i was really little. I want to be different and talk alot and be outgoing but I find it extremely difficult and although ive tried numerous times i just feel not myself so i give up. Is it wrong to be naturally quiet and not like to talk much??? I'm a happy person and Im normal but alot of times my parents, friends etc ask me why im quiet...and i dont know how to answer cuz its just the way i am?

Any advice??




  1. i used to be like that

    i overcame my fear to speak up

    i don't know how, maybe my friends helped me a little

    and i started to make conversations with people that were quiet as well

    besides being quiet is not always bad

    a lot of people tell me they like the way i am

    being serious when you have to be is a good thing, like that you get the respect you deserve

  2. I recommend becoming a stripper.

  3. Your a listener, bless your heart, we need more of you. I think the ability to really hear what people say is the best skill a person could posses.and the ones doin all the talking often never hear what others are saying. You need to see yourself for who you really are and realize that you don't have to dominate a conversation to communicate more people will seek you out to "talk to" trust me on this one.

    PS It's never good to try to be something your not

  4. I think it depends a lot on why you are being quiet. If you are being quiet because you are feeling hyper self-conscious then a trick you can use is to shift the focus on to another person during the conversation. For example, if you are talking to someone and they look down at your outfit and immediately all you can think of is, "OMG, do they think I look like a dork?" then first try to tell yourself not to jump to conclusions, then try to find a way to get the other person to start talking, like by asking them a question or complementing their earrings or something. That way, while they are busy talking about themselves you can really focus on what they are saying instead of listening to your inner voices call you names.

    If you are quiet because you don't know how to start a conversation, or you feel strange talking to people you don't know that well, then try and think up a few conversation starters beforehand. Then, once you are out, look for a small group or someone who is standing on their own and try to bring up a topic or two. Worst case scenario is you both fall silent after a minute, which then you can decide to either excuse yourself or try bringing up another topic, and best case is you have established a friendship.

    So, after saying all that, I will say that there is NOTHING wrong with being naturally quiet. If you are completely happy with it then don't worry about it at all. But, if you are feeling like people are getting the wrong impression from your quietness, or you are about to find yourself in a situation where you will need to be more outgoing, then just try to relax and smile when you make eye contact with someone. Even if you never say a word to someone they will get the impression that you are friendly if you simply make eye contact and smile.

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