
How to change sleep habits?

by Guest64952  |  earlier

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ok i have horrible sleep habits it is still summer break so it is ok for now but fall is coming up and i need to change them i sleep till like 4 or 5 usually and I stay up until...well 4 or 5, yeah I sleep naturally for 10-12 hours, but anyway how can i change the way i sleep? it is 11.20am here and im exhausted right now




  1. Let me get this straight.You sleep till 4 or 5 a.m.Then you are ready to go back to sleep at 4 or 5 p.m.Is that right? You could just force yourself to at least stay up until 8 p.m.You could take a short nap around 4p.m. and use an alarm clock.Take a walk outside for a time to keep yourself awake.I think you could after awhile get yourself trained.At least you can sleep,which is good.

  2. I'm not an expert on sleep habits so I don't really know if this is the best way to do it, but I was in pretty much the same boat until like this week and this is kind of how I did it. I made myself wake up earlier by setting an alarm and then did something active during the day like a sport or something and at night I was more tired so I could fall asleep earlier. Also if you're like me you're probably up so late because you're on the computer or reading or doing something else, but you'll probably find that you can fall asleep earlier if you just lay in bed at a normal time and not do whatever that's keeping you up so late.  Start slowly, there's still a couple weeks left of summer so maybe set an alarm for like an hour and a half before you have been waking up and then try and go to bed that much earlier and do that for a couple of days before you set your alarm for even earlier, so hopefully by the time school starts you're used to getting up within an hour or two of when you would need to for school.  It'll be a lot easier than suddenly just having to wake up like 5 hours before you're used to.  

    I've gotten from waking up at like 1-130 to 1030-11  and going to sleep at like 1230 instead of like 3 or 4. My goal is to be able to get up by 8 and go to sleep by 11-1130 (I think the going to sleep early part is going to be the hardest)

    Hope that will help.

  3. u should try force urself and then ur body clock will get used to it :)  

    go to sleep at like 9pm and try wake up at 7-30am-8-00am.  thats more normal.  

    ha u must be in america or something if its that time and u only posted that  a lil while ago its like 12.30am like midnight here in australia.  

    also to try and go to sleep... read a book maybe that uusualy puts people tosleep okay hope that helps bye

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