
How to change the mindset of the people to be more caring about the environment?

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This is an assignment my lecturer gave me. I would like to hear out your opinions. If you have a website about it, please share it with me. Thanks!




  1. There are a lot of people who say they want to save money not the earth.. Well if you go green you will save money and no longer be dependent on the oil companies for survival (filthy rich bast@!#$). The earth will bounce back from almost anything we do to it but we won't. So they may not want to save the planet but what about themselves?

    Good luck you may not change their mind but maybe you can get them to look at things in a different way.

  2. I'm also a lead by example kind of person. One of the reason people resist so hard is they feel preached to or that something is being shoved down their throat.

    For people to care (that aren't already so inclined) it has to be personal. In general they need to know that it's about saving them money while still maintaining their sense of luxury or convenience. Telling them about some odd endangered species millions of miles away that they'll never encounter in their life won't mean nearly as much as say poisonous toxins in their child's environment.  

  3. Lead by example.

  4. A very difficult assignment indeed.

    I believe the root of the problem lies with the Biblical teachings that proclaim God gave man "dominion" over the whole Earth.  With a mandate from heaven that says we can do whatever we want to the planet, how do you change that mindset without disputing religious beliefs?

  5. Try seeking the truth.

  6. You can't make anyone change their mind...but you can show them other ways to think. There are a ton of websites out there...just google it you'll be surprised.

    Also suggest watching "An inconvienient truth".  

  7. Make them wealthy enough that they don't have to worry about day to day survival.

    Those who are struggling to survive tend to have more immediate needs than concern for the environment and are quite willing sacrifice the environment to live another day.

  8. All you can do is give people information about what is going on in the environment.  You need to show them the ways to fix, preserve, clean up, and recycle things in our environment and how it will effect us in the long run.  With all the information sharing there is not much you can do to change a persons mind if they care about doing something for the environment they will do it if they don't they will not.

  9. I believe in personal action. It is much easier to lead people by example. I've made many changes in my life that benifit the planet and I share my experience with others. I let them know that my changes create a healthier life for my family and most save me money. Without telling others what they should do, they have made changes in their lives and love to let me know what they are doing.

    I've had freinds adjust thermostats, buy more fuel efficient cars, install a variety of energy efficient items in their homes, change cleaning products to natural non toxic, and my favorite: my hair stylist has changed her entire retail line to eco friendly companies.

    My inspiration has been "The Green Book". I've read many others, but this seems to be a very common sense approach.

  10. More indoctrination in the Gubermint school system.

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