
How to check train times??

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Ive never been on a train before...(embarassing) erm and im trying to check the timings on national rail enquiries but i dont get it, which one is departing and arriving what is what? Just help.




  1. In search type rail fares click the followng page is a list often fourth or fifth down (alters day by day) you will see National rail enqs' click

      which open the rail page on the right side theres a box headed Journey planner  fill that in  with details  to- from  date and time you wish to travel  ( dont worry too much about the time you enter So lets dream you want to travel at about 10 oclock so enter 9.30) click

    the new page will show you the times of about five departing trains under these time a black  box FARES click that you then get times and fares for each depature click the wireless button for the one you would like to travel on then follow instructions ...

      I do suggest you play at doing it on various journies examples(Bradford Manchester- Lowestoft Colchester-Bristol Portsmouth)  for an hour or two till you find you can do the whole operation in two three minutes and you will never be worried again        

  2. National rail enquiries?

    Is that Britain?

    For Britain I like to use this site:

    But the one you mention is not bad if you just want to know train info:

    In both cases, enter the place you want to leave and the place you want to go to.

    A date and time you want to travel and if you want a return journey planned at the same time.

    Enter the name of a station or town into the fields, it will suggest towns and stations starting with those letters, choose from them.

    Select the date and time, and whether you want to leave/depart at that time or arrive at that time.

    Click on search and you get a new screen.

    This screen has a tabel with numbers in the top, explanations on the left and times in the field.

    Each collum is a journey.

    At the top is the 3 letter code for the station you leave from, the next one down the station you arrive.

    Next one down the time you leave, then the time you arrive at your station and next is the time you will be on the train.

    The last row is the number of changes.

    The next colum is an other possible connection or train for you.

    And so on.

    When you want to see more information on an actual travel, click on the number above it, that will open a next field with the info in a different way, easier to read, I think.

    If you want more info, there is the word details at each line in this field.

    When you click on that a new field opens with more info for all the trains, separated by the different parts of the travel.

    If you have never traveled by train, I would advice to go for the travel with the least connections, as they can be a little confusing at first.

    But ask, in the train before you arrive at a station or on the station where you need to go next.

    People traveling by train are mostly very helpful and any staff member in uniform is being paid to give info, they are very good in it too.

    And as a general rule, the earlier time is departure time, the later one arrival.

    I like the other travel planner better, it allows you to select your home address, a post code and several other details.

    It will search bus, train, coach, walking and so on.

    Basically it works the same, but the words used might be a little different and the way of showing is clearer, with little pictures.

    Again, details will give more info.

    I hope this helps.

    We all had to learn to use those things at one time. And now it is at least easier than the books there used to be.

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