
How to choose a good childcare? Any recommendations for Bt Batok St 33 area?

by Guest63158  |  earlier

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How to choose a good childcare? Any recommendations for Bt Batok St 33 area?




  1. I've worked in daycare centers for years, from sketchy ones to very strict ones.  Here's things that I would make sure to check out when looking for a daycare...

    Ask about the child to staff ratio. How many children are there for each staff member? The fewer children each staff member is responsible for, the better.

    Are the younger and older children separated?

    What are the provider's policies on discipline and other important issues? Are the policies in writing? Ask for a copy.

    Ask how the provider cares for sick children.  How is medicine given? How are parents told about illness among the children?  When must children stay home because of illness?  Are children required to have vaccinations before coming to day care?

    What are the training requirements for staff members?  Are all staff members certified in basic first aid?  Are all staff members trained in child development & identification of abused children?

    Check building and playground safety.  Are the children protected from strangers?  Are there smoke alarms throughout the building? Are safety gates used in areas for small children?  Are electric outlets covered? Are the toys kept clean? Does the day-care staff regularly clean all surfaces with disinfectant?

    Visit with the staff at the day-care.

    Ask your child every day about what happened at day care.

    Signs that would tell you there are problems:

    The staff fails to answer your questions and address your concerns.

    There is no way for parents to be involved in the day-care practices.

    Your child tells you about problems or is not happy with his or her day care experience.

    Unexplained accidents happen more than once.

    The staff changes often.

    The management can't offer you a written copy of the day-care policies.

    Other parents tell you about problems or concerns with the day-care.

  2. well, how old is ur child? is ur child ok if he's being taken care of by other ppl?i guess u should also know abt the teachers qualification too...i found this local site where they have lists of childcare ctrs...

    hope this helps..

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