
How to choose or come up with an idea for writing a good book.?

by Guest58156  |  earlier

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I would really like to write a book (one that could get published maybe) but I have trouble coming up with a story or plot idea. I always worry about well, if it's set in England, in such and such a year - I won't get the details right. Or how can I write about that topic when I'm not an expert... etc. Any advice appreciated. Thanks :)





  2. If that is what you're interested in, then go for it.

    If people wrote only what they knew, we would have tons of books on the daily life of a soccer mom.

    Write your story out first, at least have a good outline of what will happen, the characters, the conflict and the resolution.  

    Once you have most of your story written, THEN go do your research.  Make notes while you're doing your draft about what you need to research.  Period architecture?  Dress? Customs?

    Now you know what information you need and not have to go through an entire course on British history to complete your book.

    A good and easy reference?  Try a children's encyclopedia.

  3. Google will end up becoming your best friend. :)

    A lot of times when I'm unsure of certain things all it takes is a few google searches and I've got what I'm looking for. You have to be persistent though.

    My advice would be that if it's your first novel, perhaps stick with something that you are familiar with. If you want to include locations, make stuff up. That's the great thing about fiction! For instance, for my books I make up a false city in California, because I'm familiar with California, and their laws and systems, etc.  

  4. Maybe you should start out writing about what you already know.

    If you want to write about an era or location you don't know about, you have to do the research.

    Many authors interview people, visit the location or do a lot of reading.  

    'There is more to writing than just sitting down and typing away.

    Good luck and have fun.

  5. My suggestion is to write about something that happens in your own town. Personally, I think it's really fun because you can include little details (like a particular swimming pool for example) that no one else would know about.

    I hope this helps.  

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