My daughter will start preschool next year. She is 20 mo and knows the alphabets, counting till 20 and has a vocab of 250+ words and can talk in sentences in english and knows and can speak another language and knows a few words and use those of a third language. All this when we never forced her to learn anything. She picked this up from her home based day care where the day care lady teaches the older kids in a fun way and my daughter just picked up by sitting with them. At home, I read a lot to my daughter but never against her wishes.
I am confused whether I should send her to a preschool with a structured curriculum or where the kids are free to explore on their own pace. Considering that I enjoy and will always be a part of my daughter's day to day learnings and have time and energy to invest into it, do you think a partcular kind of preschool will be better for her? I want her to enjoy school and not look at it as work.