
How to choose the right fire extinguisher?

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To protect an enclosed area like data center or computer room.




  1. Use a system that utilizes 3M Novec 1230.  No CFC, safe in occupied spaces, will not conduct electricity, safe on electronics and electronically-stored records, and is NFPA rated for ABC fire suppression.

  2. halon - won't harm electronics like water or ABC extinguishers do. Warning: the haylon sucks out oxygen, so you want to be out of the room when they go off!!

    Halon is in a white canister, A/B/C is red.

  3. Halon is banned for new construction and is grandfatherd for existing systems. HALON is similar to CFC's and depletes Ozone which is the reason it was banned.  I believe that only the military can still use HALON in new construction.

      You may have difficultly in recharging a HALON system as many OEM vendors no longer support them.   And  HALON recharging has become increasingly expensive.

    HALON works by interrupting the chemical reaction of combustion.   It doesn't smother the fire so adequate oxygen remains in the space to support any personel in the space.

    Dupont markets an alternative fire suppressant called FM200 which also works by interrupting the chemical reaction of combustion. So it is safer to use in occupied spaces.

    If you can evacuate the space of all personell then you can consider a CO2 flooding system.  CO2 extinguishes the fire by smothering (displacing the oxygen)  and as a result anyone unfortunate to be trapped in the space would also be smothered.    CO2 flooding requires a contained space that can be sealed, ventilation shutdown and an escape warning and delay before CO2 is released.

    Traditional dry pipe sprinkler systems may also be used but your going to have a bigger mess.  I am told that if you clean up the water withing 8 hours you can minimize the damage to electrical equipment.  Honestly I would want to use water unless it was a back up system or last resort.

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