
How to chose a roommate who is not a psycho-killer?

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I’m trying to find a roommate but with me luck .. I’m almost sure I’ll end up with a psycho killer or something like it !!

So any tip in choosing a roommate so I won’t end up died or something??

BTW; I really don’t need advices like: you watch too many horror moves …or learn to trust the good in others… etc.




  1. You can do a background check for starters.

  2. OK, this is going to sound corny, but I'd start with your church or other trusted source of meeting people (friends, family, etc.). It's not 100% perfect, but it helps weed out a lot of riff-raff.

    Also, in some major cities there are services that help put roommates together -- I used one when I moved to NYC, and it worked well for me.

  3. Wow...aren't you the paragon of virtue who can do no wrong? You've got some nerve to assume that other people are crazy or killers, yet you expect them to trust that YOU'RE sane and don't have tendencies toward criminality or paranoid personality disorder!  Maybe you probably ought to worry more about them being a slob and skipping out without paying their share of the rent than you are about getting murdered in your bed!

    You have two choices here:  Live alone in a remote cave someplace or learn how to interview roomates properly and take chances in life just like the rest of us!

  4. Ask for references.  Google their name and the city they are from (hopefully they don't have a common last name.) You can access court records online. Google "your city/county/their city) clerk of courts" some cases you can do both city and county courts. City courts are good because you will get a police record.  

  5. It's not clear if you're talking about a college roommate, or someone to share an adult apartment.

    If an adult apartment, the way to ensure you get someone who is reasonably easy to live with is to check references.  Make the person provide you with a few names and phone numbers of people who can vouch for him or her, and then speak to those contacts.  Also, speak to the individual at some length in advance of firming up the arrangement.  You can pick a neutral spot to meet, such as at a coffee shop.

    If a college or other school situation, there's not too much you can do if the school assigns you someone in advance.  If the person is too crazy for you, speak to the dorm director or resident assistant, and see if you can make a switch.

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