
How to clean a chopping bord properly ?

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  1. I've always just thrown mine in the dishwasher - plastic, wood, whatever.

  2. i wash mine uder the hot tap then clean with a antibacterial cleaner.

  3. General Care & Use Guidelines

        * Regardless of the type of material, cutting boards should be washed in hot soapy water immediately after use, and occasionally sanitized by adding chlorine to the water.

        * Discard boards once they sustain cracks and cuts that can form a hiding place for raw food and bacteria, making them harder to clean completely.

        * Avoid slicing foods with the same board and knife that was used earlier for raw food preparation. Change boards and knives to prevent contaminating other foods.

        * After a good cleaning, ensure your boards are dried completely before storing.

        * Use of dishwasher is recommended for plastic boards only, as wooden boards will tend to dry out and crack, reducing their lifespan.

        * Always cut raw meats, fish and poultry on a board that is very easy to sanitize.

        * Thick wooden boards could be resurfaced by sanding or thickness planing, however, ensure that any finish applied is absolutely labelled 'food safe'. The same holds true for homemade wooden boards.

    If you're setting up a kitchen for the first time, a good place to start, is to purchase a couple of inexpensive plastic boards and two sizes of wooden boards. You'll soon acquire a preference for which type you like for what foods, and you can expand your stock from there.

    And the old saying 'when in doubt, throw it out' certainly holds true for cutting boards. If you suspect that your board has too many deep cracks and cuts and sanitizing is not assured, it's definitely time to replace it.

  4. I only use plastic or glass cutting boards.  I wash them immediately in hot soapy water.  I generally only use mine for cutting up veggies, but if I do use it for chicken or other meats, I'll use a bleach based cleaner, or a bleach based wipe on it to kill any germs that may be left.  Then rinse it well in hot water.  I hope this helped!

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