
How to clean a garage in less than 1 hour?

by  |  earlier

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help me cover the basics...





  1. Get a bunch of friends, a case of beer and some music

  2. ok so you take everything out then you take everything back in and you just grab and and place on the shelves or floors if you do that it could work in about thirty min .just try mine and im sure itll work!!!:)))

  3. I blast mine with a leaf blower.

  4. I think this would depend on how messy the garage is.  but I would do a staging. empty the garage of its contents out on your lawn into piles, such as throw away, sports stuff,etc.  Then once you have swept out the garage and thrown away the trash you can start moving things back in the way you want them.

    Hope this helps! Hope you can do it in an hour!!

  5. Its called getting busy, busting @SS, Organizing, and not playing around the  sooner you get started the quicker you can get done, so lets go BOOM BOOM

  6. Here we go!  Five easy steps, crew of four, one for each side, one for the back, one to supervise and help all (you):

    1  Take everything out, putting like things together if possible as they come out. 15 minutes

    2  Clean the inside thoroughly.  Dust and mop/hose. 10 minutes

    3  Make your plan and deploy your team. 4 minutes

    4  Put away largest bulkiest stuff. 15 minutes

    5  Put away small fine stuff. 15 minutes

    59 minutes elapsed!

    Now go buy everyone dinner and some wine, stopping by the dumpster with the trash on the way.

    You did it!  Congratulations!  Thank your friends PROFUSELY!!!  (and return the favor!)

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