
How to clean mould off house bricks?

by Guest56320  |  earlier

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How to clean mould off house bricks?




  1. Try a bleach solution.  Half water and half bleach.  Use gloves when you do this.  Get a sponge and dab the bleach water onto the bricks.  If you're working around shrubs or flowers, you better be very careful because that solution can kill them.  Good luck!

  2. bleach

  3. Hardware stores carry products that can remove mold from brick.

  4. High pressure water sprays can be rented or bought

  5. Cheryl if you do not have pressure washer buy a sprayer that attaches to the end of your garden hose, Walmart has one for $8.99 fill the sprayer up with bleach, set the sprayer to max amount, spray mold on the  bricks and let it stay on a couple minutes, and rinse off.  I have pressure washer but use garden hose with bleach.  You can clean all the way to the eaves of your house.

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