
How to clean my home quick?

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any tips?




  1. good storage space, all purpose cleaner and paper towels, swiffer dusters.

  2. Start at the top, go to every room and dust the ceiling for cobwebs.  Then dust all picture frames and wall decorations.  Next wipe off all tables and desks and counters, then vacuum the furniture or how ever you dust the furniture.  Then vacuum all carpet and sweep and mop all hard wood or tile floors.  Save the bathroom for last as it has no furniture and it is usually small.  If you have laundry piled up, you can do it in between cleaning the other parts of the house.  Let the machines clean the laundry while you clean the house!!!!  Good luck and happy cleaning.

  3. I agree w/ the guy, hide everything in the closet and shut the door.  Out of site, out of mind.  You said quick not thorough.

  4. vaccum cleaner and sweep

  5. 1 kitchen: wash the dishes, wipe counters, sweep floor (wipe marks with a damp cloth)

    2 pick up laundry - put in basket

    3 pick up magazines/ newspapers/ books, pile up neatly

    4 make the bed/s

    5 throw out the trash

    6 pick some flowers for a vase on the table/counter

  6. Get off the computer and do it one job at a time.

  7. Electric leaf blower, set it on high , blast everything in sight, wait 10 minutes and vacuum.  

       It works :)

  8. Call a maid and sit back and watch?!

  9. always throw your trash in the trash can.........

  10. METHODICALLY - that's the key.  Have all the cleaning materials you need and utensils to hand.  Decide which rooms and order you will start, usually, bedrooms down is best.  Start with dusting and polishing, then vacuum and do any jobs needed seasonally, like clean windows, de-cobweb ceilings, etc. Carry tools from room to room as you go and close door on each room as you finish.  End up in kitchen, where, hopefully, you have had washing & dishwasher on.  clear worktops, wash up, wipe down, empty garbage, sweep/vacuum and mop floor.  PUT ON KETTLE, put up feet with a cuppa and a magazine till the family gets home!

  11. Start in the kitchen and bathroom first since their the dirtest. Then make your way to the living room. The other parts of the home are fair game.

  12. Work from top to bottom (Bedrooms - living areas) and dry to wet (Bedrooms - Bathroom). Use a timer as it gives you a goal and you tend to work a bit harder in a shorter period of time. I split it into three sections as below - just add tasks to sections as needed.

    First tidy (use an old box to chuck in stuff that doesn't belong in the room your tidying - you can put it all away at the end).

    Dust (or clean counter tops etc in the 'wet' rooms) - top to bottom

    Vacuum or sweep/mop.

    Put things in box away.

    Put your feet up!

  13. Do all of your dusting, then the bathroom and kitchen, then the floors. Turn on some music, it'll get you moving a little faster!

  14. Hide any trash or dirty clothes under the couch, bed, or in the closets and hit the dusty areas with a Swiffer.  Then light a scented candle or spray air freshener. Done!

  15. shove it all in one room

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