
How to clean or get rid of mole in the shower

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How to clean or get rid of mole in the shower




  1. I know this sounds crazy, but try Tang. Yes, the stuff you drink. Get the Tang mix and mix a little with water to make a paste and rub it on the mold. It has so much acid in it that it takes the mold and stains off of tile. I've used that and Coca Cola. Coke doesn't work as well, but still works fairly well. You'll thank me later for this tip!

  2. do you mean MOLD?  if so, try Tilex

  3. You can cover it with makeup.

  4. Aha! So, now we know where the mole is!  Just kidding. I think you mean mold. Any good cleanser and some "elbow grease" (hard brushing) should get rid of it. You can find a product in any hardware store, department store or a good supermarket.

  5. Bleach works well on mold. Also a product called the Works really works well. Hope this helps.

  6. your local ASPCA can provide you with a humane trap

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