
How to clean scratched discs?

by  |  earlier

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i did some research and found several ways including wiping peanut butter on it with a coffee filter, dipping it in iced tea, and none work. any other suggestions?




  1. Rubbing alcohol, and a toothbrush. Dip toothbrush into alcohol, then gently rub in a circular motion around the entire cd. Repat this step twice, and you'll see scratches disappear!!

  2. clean it with toothpaste

    not too much though

    a last resort is to go to a game store and they usually have some kind of cleaner

  3. pledge helps some

  4. you could get them resurfaced. Look in the internet for local businesses.brasso metal polish seems to work. Look at the website below.

  5. I use brass cleaner myself, apply to a soft cloth, and rub rub rub, it will remove the scratch eventually, and much faster than toothpaste~

    I have turned unplayable discs into working fine in less than an hour, after rubbing out, wash with dishwashing liquid to remove all residue, and give it a shot.  

  6. yes..NOTHING works because once it's scratched the coating is GONE and it can't be NEED NEW CD's...

  7. deodrant(:

  8. i ruined my cds. i never put them in their case. so now if they are scratched i put toothpaste on them and they work. if badly scratched put peanut butter on it just use your finger and then rinse it off with warm water in a circle motion. and if all else fails go to the store and buy you a new one. game stores are a waste of money for cleaning cds.

  9. There are some disc cleaners you could buy that would take off the first layer of the disc (get rid of scratches)...

    At a local CD store they have a certain cd/pc cleaner or you can use a tool called an iskin which is a layer of plastic which fits right on the bottom of a cd. The laser can still read the disc as good as new.

    If it shows 'disc error'......... Try toothpaste.... Really works all the time for me.

    Here are other ways and reviews:

    Quickly removing scratches from CDs and DVDs:

    Here is another way:

    Step one: Go to P2P or Torrent and download what ever you want.

    Step two: Burn to new disc.

    Step three: throw old disc away.


    Good luck

  10. tooth paste works great.  before that, try wiping it on a shirt.  It cant have sequins on it.  If they don't work, get a damp paper towel and wipe it carefully.

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