
How to clean sticky "gunk" off iPod?

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I recently upgraded my iPod and wish to sell the old one on eBay. I personalized it a few months ago with a sticky, gunky Gelaskin decal, and now there is "gunk" around the click wheel and stickiness on the entire device. What product can I use to safely clean this prior to selling? Thanks!




  1. I would try a cotton ball dipped in nail polish remover. If this does not work, try a substance called goo gone. You can probably buy it in hardware stores like lowes and home depot. I am not sure about its use on an ipod. Go to an apple store and ask them if they know if goo gone or nail polish remover is safe. My guess is that it is fine because it will not be submerged in liquid.

  2. Any type of gummy or adhesive type substance can be removed with what they call solvents. some are milder and some are harsh.  Believe it or not , Enzyme detergent such as Wisk or ERA Plus, is a milder form.  I would start with that because you do not want to dull the surface of the i-pod. just apply it carefully.  any areas that you want to protect from any solvent, you can put a small amount of Petroleum Jelly around, because it acts like a dam.  

    If this does not work, than I would move to the next level up , shout or spray and wash.  

    Here is a list of solvents that you can try. all are effective in removing gummy substances:  *Acetone(nail polish remover) although this may take away some of the shine.

    *Ammonia                        *Mineral Spirits

    *Cornstarch                      *Shampoo

    *dishwashing liquid          *White Vinegar

    *digestive -enzyme tablets

    *Hydrogen Peroxide        *Enzyeme detergents &

                                                  laundry stain removers

    I know some of these may sound strange but I have used some and they do work!  I would go with a q-tip or Plastic knife (dull side pressing lightly so you do not scratch) for applying and rubbing off.  

    Good Luck

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