
How to clean the litter box?

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I just adopted a cat. I need step by step instructions on how to clean the litter box and how often. Thanks.




  1. Get a "popper scooper" and scoop out the chunks or p**p and urine. Just scoop it into a trash bag than tie the bag up and throw it away! After that I would poor some more litter into the box. Than you're finished! I would keep an air freshener near it. Because, it could get stinky! Good luck. And I would clean it about every other day. Cats are hard work. Have fun!

  2. First of all be sure to get a clumping litter it'll make your "fun" new duty much easier.

    Now for one cat I would really recommend that you scoop with a slotted poo-scooper everyday or atleast every-other day (for sanitation purposes and a happy cat that doesn't walk across your bed with poo-paws.

    I usually scoop (it's like a treasure hunt) the clumps into a grocery bag *very handy.

    Also I recommend what I call a "full dump and refresh" once a month. This is when you dump the entire contents of the litter box into a garbage bag and refill with fresh litter!

    As you can tell I am a cat freak (I have 3).

    Don't forget to change your cat's water every day!

  3. If you use disgusting clay litter like most people do, then you'll need to scoop daily and clean the box about once a week. I use pellet fuel as litter with the Feline Pine litter box. The litter costs me about $6 a year, and I never need to perform full litter changes or scoop urine. You just scoop p**p daily and dump the urine and sawdust once every 1-2 weeks. Very low maintenance and cost. The FP litter box is smaller than I would like, but you could make a larger DIY box.

  4. Check out the links below, they'll tell you how to take care of it.

    Incidently, you can get a couple different types of litter boxes that make it easier to clean - I've included two links on the bottom as well.

  5. Always scoop litter boxes at LEAST once a day, and change the litter at least once a week.  When cleaning the box, use a mild detergent and finish by rinsing very thoroughly.  Never use strong-smelling pine cleansers or ammonia.  If you want to disinfect the box with bleach, dilute it with water first.  Rinsing the box with boiling water is also effective.  With covered litter boxes, the smell can be worse, especially with high humidity, so you must be willing to clean it more.

    When scooping the litter box I like to use an empty garbage bag and scoop out the solid pieces, then once your done you can tie a knot in the bag and throw it away, (which helps keep the smell down).

  6. Well, assuming you get scoopable litter....

    - Scoop the litter box at least once a day.

    - Do a complete clean once a week.

      - Pour old litter into grocery bag & toss away.

      - Use warm water & Dawn soap to scrub the litter box clean.

      - Some places sell litter box wipes that can be used, as well.

      - Towel dry or let air dry.

      - Pour fresh & clean litter.

    Repeat process.

    It's a pretty simple process, most important thing is making sure it remains clean so the cat doesn't feel the desire to go elsewhere.

    Personally, I use Tidy Cats, but I'm thinking about experimenting with different brands to see what works the best.

  7. Your litterbox should be at least one and a half times the length and width of your cat. Most commercial cat boxes are actualy too small. I prefer to use a Sterilite brand storage bin that's meant for "under the bed" storage. It provides my cats with a wide, long, deep box to do their business in. Use a high-quality clumping litter such as Tidy Cats Scoop or FreshStep. Make sure the litter is deep enough for your cat to root around in and scoop over their mess, as cats are very clean creatures who don't like to leave evidence of their presence. Scoop the box daily using a litter scoop available at all animal supply stores. Clay-based clumping littler should not be flushed, instead dispose of it in a trash can that can be covered to keep odor at bay.  Refill the box as needed to keep the level satisfactory.The litter in the box should be completely discarded weekly and the box should be scrubbed out with bleach to keep it sanitary and odor-free.

    Hope that helps!

  8. Paintedrain2 pretty much summed it up.  :)

    I personally prefer Arm & Hammer brand litter, I feel it has the best odor control and it's the best texture.  Experiment with different brands until you find one that best suits your needs.

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